Setting tab markers in text

    In a word-processing document or text frame, you can align text at specific points across the page by setting tab markers. When you press the Tab key, the insertion point (and any text to the right of it) moves to the next marker, and the text you type starts at that point.

Specifying tab settings

    To set tab markers for one or more paragraphs:
    1 Click in a paragraph with the I-beam pointer or select more than one paragraph, then click a tab button above the text ruler.
    A Aligns the left edge of text at the marker
    B Aligns the center of the text at the marker
    C Aligns the right edge of text at the marker
    D Aligns a specific character at the marker
    E Tab marker on text ruler
    2 Click the ruler where you want to add the tab marker.
    The preset character for the right-most tab button (sometimes called an "align-on" or decimal tab) is the decimal separator, which is useful when typing columns of numbers. To change the character, double-click the tab marker and type the new character in the dialog box.

    Tip: To place a tab marker at a precise position, double-click the tab marker on the text ruler and type a number in the Position box.

    If you don't see the text ruler:
    Choose Rulers from the Format menu, then choose Show Rulers from the submenu.

    To create a tab leader (filling the blank space before a tab character with a repeating character, such as a period):
    1 If necessary, place a tab marker on the text ruler to the right of the space you want to fill.
    2 Double-click the tab marker.
    3 Select one of the options in the Fill area.

    To change or move a tab marker:
    Drag the marker to another position on the text ruler, or double-click the marker and change one or more options in the Tab dialog box.

    To remove a tab marker:
    Drag the tab marker off of the text ruler.

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