A Tutorial for
Using Jmol to Do Molecular Modeling

Rendering a Model

Atoms and Bonds

Jmol contains a number of commands that can be used to display and highlight molecular models. For example, there are commands to produce various geometric shapes that represent atoms and bonds. Typically, atoms are rendered as, or represented by, spheres while bonds are rendered as sticks. Atoms and bonds can also be colored in different ways to illustrate various properties. When Jmol first opens a structure file it uses a "Ball & Stick" rendering of a molecule. Below is a "Ball & Stick" model for and aspartic acid residue in the protein pyruvate kinase.

The commands that are used to produce this model are "spacefill" for atoms and "wireframe" for bonds. Commands often have arguments which determine how the rendering is done. If not argument is provided a default value is used. The default for the "spacefill" command is to use the vander Waals radius:

The default for the "wireframe" command is to use sticks that are 1 pixel wide:

In all to the models used so far, the atoms and bonds were colored by atom type; carbons=grey, oxygen=red, and nitrogen=blue. The "color" command has no default argument. To color a model by atom type you use the command "color cpk". The "cpk" has historical meaning and stands for Corey-Pauling-Kulton (Robert Corey, Linus Pauling and W.L. Koltun), who in the 1960's first developed models that used colors to identify atoms.To recreate the Ball & Stick model that is shown above, using the 1liu.pdb structure for pyruvate kinase, requires the following steps. This is the same structure that you opened with Jmol back on the "Before you get started" page.

  1. Restrict the selection to residue number 67 in chain A of pyruvate kinase, which is an aspartyl residue.
  2. Center the selection in the image screen.
  3. Zoom in on the selection.
  4. Render the atoms in this selection as spheres that have radii that are 20% of their vander Waals radii.
  5. Render the bonds that connect the atoms in the selection by sticks that are 0.15 Angstroms wide
  6. Color the atoms in this selection according to their atom type.

Below are the corresponding commands you should type at the command line in the Jmol Rasmol Script console of the standalone version of Jmol. Clicking on each of the commands in the image below will take you to the corresponding entry for that command in the Jmol help file.

Try the following

Below is an embedded Jmol image of pyruvate kinase (1liu.pdb) which you can use to interactively execute each of these commands. When inititially loaded, the pyruvate kinase is rendered as green, vander Waals spheres, so that you can observe the effect of each command. Click on each command in succession.

Proteins and Nucleic

There are a number of commands for rendering and coloring polypeptides and polynucleotides. The renderings make it easier to trace the path of the polypeptide or polynucleotide and can be used to highlight secondary structures within these polymers. Below are examples of some these commands when applied to rendering pyruvate kinase.

Render as cartoon with each polypeptide colored differently:

load 1liu.pdb
set perspectiveDepth off

Render as a cartoon with each chain collored differently:

select protein
spacefill off
wireframe off
cartoon on
color chain

Render only chain A as a cartoon colored by secondary structure

load 1liu.pdb
set perspectiveDepth off

Render only Chain A as cartoon and color by secondary structure:

restrict *:a
center selected
zoom 220
spacefill off
wireframe off
cartoon on
color structure

Render only chain A as a rocket colored by secondary structure

load 1liu.pdb
set perspectiveDepth off

Render only Chain A as rocket and color by secondary structure:

restrict *:a
center selected
zoom 220
spacefill off
wireframe off
rocket on
color structure

Render only chain A as strands colored by rainbow from one end to the other

load 1liu.pdb
set perspectiveDepth off

Render only Chain A as rocket and color by secondary structure:

restrict *:a
center selected
zoom 220
spacefill off
wireframe off
strands on
color group

Back to: Commands

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Before you get started

Creating models

