Hartselab Pictures/Events

Lab Events/Meetings
  1. 1993 Picnic#1-Weird hat
  2. 1993 Picnic#2-A compact car for a compact student
  3. 1993 Picnic#3-Irrational Exhuberance
  4. 1993 Picnic#4-Eat the Rabbit!
  5. 1994Viva Las Vegas-This is what science is about
  6. Katie's duck
  7. Applied Glycolysis
  8. Good or evil?
  9. Strange Group Photo-2004
  10. Experimental trip to U of Minnesota-In the Lab
  11. Experimental trip to U of Minnesota-Crazy museum
  12. Experimental trip to U of Minnesota-Molecular Biology ART(!)
  13. Molecular Biology ART-Part 2
  14. Experimental trip to U of Minnesota-The cow's revenge
  15. Experimental trip to U of Minnesota-We love the cow
  16. Experimental trip to U of Minnesota-Hartsel easily conquers the great bronze beast
  17. Experimental trip to U of Minnesota-We have no official comment on this enormous Spartan
  18. Hartsel the Pirate
  19. ASBMB Meeting-Boston 2004-#1
  20. ASBMB Meeting-Boston 2004-#2
  21. ASBMB Meeting-Boston 2004-#3
  22. ASBMB Meeting-Boston 2004-#4
  23. ASBMB Meeting-Boston 2004-#5
  24. Shipping off samples of Lewistracker 1
  25. Shipping off samples of Lewistracker 1-What's going on here!@!!?
  26. How about these lipid rafts?!
  27. Rachel Convinces Legislators of our Existence
  28. Award Winning Poster!!!(2nd place anyway)
  29. How about these lipid rafts?! 3D confocal composite of cholera toxin domains!!!
  30. I have my finger in Frank Lloyd Wright's nose!
  31. Jessica Graduates med school and I was there!
  32. Jessica and Angela Former Students and Current twins
  33. Vinay What have you done to my daughter!!!
  34. Lori Defends her poster to the death
  35. Biophysical Society Salt Lake City
  36. The Temple-Salt Lake City
  37. Top of the Mountain- Salt Lake City
  38. Peruvian Restaurant-Salt Lake City-Beefheart and Squid!!
  39. See this ALBUM of the 2007 Experiemntal Biology trip
  40. Student research day 2007-My students are all winners
Instrumentation/Methods Which We Use
  1. Applied Photophysics Stopped-Flow CD/Fluorescence/Diode Array spectrometer
  2. Cary-50
  3. Our favorite little tumor cells
  4. Our favorite little tumor cells, part 2-Showing their lysosomes!
  5. The Fluorescence Microscope
  6. The Lyophilizer
  7. Capillary Electrophoresis thingy
  8. UVP Imaging System

This page is maintained by hartsesc@uwec.edu