Vibrio harveyi bacteria
Vibrio harveyi is a Gram negative bacterium that exhibits the phenomenon of bioluminescence in its natural marine environment.  Within this aqueous environment, this free living organism can be found throughout the water column, buried in the sediment, as well as on the exterior surfaces of marine organisms. (1) However, V. harveyi is not known to form any symbiotic relationships with any other organisms, unlike the related bacterial species, Vibrio fischeri, which forms a mutualistic association with the squid, Euprymna scolopes. (2)   V. harveyi moves via the use of flagella, which propel the organism through the water like a tiny oar, which reminds me of a song, "Row, row, row your flagella."  These motile structures are enclosed in an envelope that is continuous with the outer cell membrane.
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