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    The Show/Hide action lets you show or hide the content of a floating box in the page. For example, you can use this action to create drop-down menus that appear when the viewer clicks on a menu item and hide when the pointer rolls off the item. Alternatively, you can show or hide objects dynamically by inserting two keyframes in the DHTML Timeline Editor and adding Show Hide actions to the time track of the floating box.

    Make sure your page has a floating box with content within it or visible properties before you create the action. If you want a floating box to not appear on the page until it is targeted to show by a ShowHide action, deselect Visible in the Floating Box Inspector. Trigger the ShowHide action with a user-triggered or timeline-triggered event. Choose Action > Multimedia > ShowHide. In the Floating box menu, choose a floating box. In the Mode menu, choose what should happen to the floating box:

    • Hide hides the floating box until a Show action that targets it is triggered.
    • Show displays the floating box until a Hide action that targets it is triggered.
    • Toggle shows or hides the floating box, depending on its current visibility status.