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SlideShow and SlideShowAuto

    SlideShow and SlideShowAuto let you manage the playback of a series of images. SlideShow lets viewers cycle through a series of images by clicking a link. Each click displays the next image in the series. SlideShowAuto displays a series of images automatically with a specified time interval between images (similar to an animated GIF).

    The following rules apply to images used for the SlideShow and SlideShowAuto actions:

    • They must be in the same folder as the first image placed on the page.
    • They can be either GIF or JPEG images, but you cannot mix GIF and JPEG images in the same slide show.
    • They must be named in sequence, ending with 01 and the .gif or .jpg extension. For example, the starting GIF image could be named poster01.gif, and the others would be named poster02.gif, poster03.gif, and so on. Alternatively, you could name the images simply 01.gif, 02.gif, 03.gif, and so on.
    • You cannot have more than one SlideShow action and SlideShowAuto action on the same page.

    Place the slide show's first image in the page, and enter a unique alphanumeric name in the More tab of the Image Inspector. Trigger the SlideShow action with a user-triggered or timeline-triggered event, or trigger the SlideShowAuto action with a user-triggered or timeline-triggered event, or with a browser-triggered event set to OnLoad. Choose Action > Multimedia > SlideShow or SlideShowAuto. From the Base Image menu, choose the starting image. For # of Images, enter the total number of images in the slide show.

If you are using the SlideShow action, select any of the following playback options:

    • Loop repeats the slide show after the final image is shown.
    • Play Backwards displays the images from the last to the first. This option lets you create forward and backward links for the slide show.
    • Palindrome plays the slide show forward and then backward continuously. To use this option, you must select Loop as well.

    Leaving all three options unselected plays the slide show a single time.

If you are using the SlideShowAuto action, set the following playback options:

    • For Interval (in Secs.), enter the number of seconds to wait between displaying images.
    • Select Stop at End of Slideshow to play the slide show a single time only. Otherwise, the slideshow will play continuously.

    Tip iconNormally, all images will display with the dimensions of the base image. To enable each image to display with its own dimensions, change the base image's Width and Height values from Pixel to Image in the Image Inspector.