Wildflowers Index

Index of Scientific Names

(Principal flower color in parenthesis)

Abutilon theophrasti (orange-yellow)
Acer negundo (yellow-green)
Acer platanoides (yellow-green)
Acer rubrum (red)
Acer saccharinum (red)
Agastache foeniculum (blue)
Ajuga genevensis (blue)
Allium canadense (pink-white)
Allium schoenoprasum (purple)
Amaranthus retroflexus (green)
Anaphalis margaritacea (yellow-brown)
Aplectrum hyemale (yellow-green)
Apocynum androsaemifolium (white-pink)
Apocynum cannabinum (white)
Arctium minus (white)
Arenaria serpyllifolia (white)
Artemisia vulgaris (yellow-red)
Asclepias exaltata (white)
Asclepias incarnata (pink)
Asclepias tuberosa (orange)
Astragalus canadensis (white)
Baptisia bracteata (yellow)
Bidens cernua (yellow)
Brassica nigra (yellow)
Caltha palustris (yellow)
Calystegia sepium (pink)
Calystegia spithamaea (white)
Carduus acanthoides (purple)
Carex comosa (white-green)
Ceanothus americanus (white)
Ceanothus herbaceus (white)
Celastrus scandens (green-white)
Cerastium arvense (white)
Cerastium fontanum (white)
Chamaecrista fasciculata (yellow)
Chelidonium majus (yellow)
Cicuta bulbifera (white)
Clematis virginiana (white)
Comandra umbellata (white)
Commelina communis (blue)
Consolida ajacis (blue-purple)
Coreopsis palmata (yellow)
Cornus amomum (white)
Cornus canadensis (white)
Cornus sericea (white)
Cosmos bipinnatus (pink)
Cosmos sulphureus (orange)
Crocanthemum canadense (yellow)
Cuscuta gronovii (white)
Cypripedium acaule (pink)
Cypripedium parviflorum (yellow)
Dalea candida (white)
Daucus carota (white)
Descurainia pinnata (yellow)
Desmodium canadense (pink-purple)
Dianthus barbatus (red-pink)
Doellingeria umbellata (white)
Echinacea purpurea (purple)
Echinocystis lobata (white)
Epilobium coloratum (pink)
Eryngium yuccifolium (white)
Erysimum cheiranthoides (yellow)
Euphorbia cyparissias (yellow-green)
Euphorbia dentata (white-green)
Euphorbia maculata (white)
Euphorbia virgata (yellow)
Eutrochium purpureum (pink-purple)
Fagopyrum esculentum (white)
Fallopia japonica (white)
Fallopia scandens (white-green)
Gaillardia pulchella (red-yellow)
Gentiana alba (white)
Geum aleppicum (yellow)
Goodyera pubescens (white)
Gypsophila muralis (pink-red)
Helianthus annuus (yellow)
Hemerocallis fulva (orange)
Hepatica acutiloba (white-blue)
Heracleum maximum (white)
Hesperis matronalis (pink)
Hypericum ascyron (yellow)
Hypericum prolificum (yellow)
Hypoxis hirsuta (yellow)
Impatiens parviflora (yellow)
Ipomoea purpurea (purple)
Iris pseudacorus (yellow)
Iris variegata (yellow)
Iris versicolor (blue)
Iris virginica (blue)
Juglans nigra (green)
Krigia biflora (yellow-orange)
Lactuca serriola (yellow)
Lamium amplexicaule (pink-purple)
Lamium galeobdolon (yellow)
Lapsana communis (yellow)
Lathyrus palustris (pink-purple)
Lepidium virginicum (white)
Liatris ligulistylis (pink)
Liatris pycnostachya (pink-red)
Lilium lancifolium (orange-red)
Lilium michiganense (red-orange)
Lobelia cardinalis (red)
Lobelia siphilitica (blue-purple)
Lonicera sempervirens (red-orange)
Lupinus perennis (blue-purple-white)
Lycopus uniflorus (white)
Lysimachia lanceolata (yellow)
Lysimachia vulgaris (yellow)
Maianthemum stellatum (white)
Malva neglecta (white-pink)
Matricaria discoidea (yellow)
Mentha canadensis (white-pink)
Mimulus ringens (blue-purple)
Mirabilis nyctaginea (pink)
Miscanthus sacchariflorus (white)
Mollugo verticillata (white)
Monarda didyma (red)
Morus alba (green)
Myosotis scorpioides (blue)
Myosoton aquaticum (white)
Nuphar variegata (yellow)
Opuntia macrorhiza (yellow)
Origanum vulgare (pink-purple)
Oxalis stricta (yellow)
Packera aurea (yellow)
Parthenium integrifolium (white)
Parthenocissus vitacea (green)
Persicaria minor (white-red)
Persicaria sagittata (white)
Phlox paniculata (pink)
Phlox pilosa (pink)
Physalis longifolia (yellow)
Plantago patagonica (white)
Polanisia dodecandra (white-pink)
Polygonum aviculare (white-green)
Portulaca grandiflora (red)
Portulaca oleracea (yellow)
Potentilla norvegica (yellow)
Prunella vulgaris (purple-white)
Pycnanthemum virginianum (white-purple)
Ranunculus acris (yellow)
Ranunculus fascicularis (yellow)
Ranunculus pensylvanicus (yellow)
Ranunculus repens (yellow)
Raphanus raphanistrum (yellow)
Ratibida columnifera (yellow)
Rhus typhina (green-yellow)
Rorippa palustris (yellow)
Rosa blanda (pink-red)
Rudbeckia hirta (yellow)
Rudbeckia triloba (yellow)
Ruellia humilis (pink-purple)
Rumex obtusifolius (green)
Sagittaria latifolia (white)
Sagittaria rigida (white)
Sanguinaria canadensis (white)
Saponaria officinalis (white-pink)
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (brown)
Scilla siberica (blue)
Senecio vulgaris (yellow)
Sibbaldia tridentata (white)
Silphium laciniatum (yellow)
Silphium perfoliatum (yellow)
Sisymbrium altissimum (yellow)
Sisymbrium loeselii (yellow)
Sonchus asper (yellow)
Sonchus oleraceus (yellow)
Spergularia rubra (red)
Spiraea alba (white)
Stachys hispida (pink-purple)
Stachys tenuifolia (pink-purple)
Stellaria graminea (white)
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae (purple)
Symphyotrichum puniceum (blue-purple)
Symphytum officinale (pink-purple)
Thalictrum thalictroides (pink-white)
Tilia americana (yellow)
Tragopogon dubius (yellow)
Trifolium campestre (yellow)
Turritis glabra (white)
Typha angustifolia (brown)
Valeriana officinalis (white-pink)
Verbena bracteata (blue)
Verbena hastata (blue)
Veronica arvensis (blue)
Vinca minor (blue)
Vitis riparia (green)
Xanthium strumarium (green)
Zizia aurea (yellow)

Index of Common Names

(Principal flower color in parenthesis)

Adam-and-Eve (yellow-green)
Allegheny Monkey Flower (blue-purple)
American Bamboo (white)
American Basswood (yellow)
American Bittersweet (green-white)
American Cow-parsnip (white)
American Dogwood (white)
American Feverfew (white)
American Hemp (white)
American Linden (yellow)
American vervain (blue)
Amur Silver Grass (white)
Anise Hyssop (blue)
Annual Sowthistle (yellow)
Annual Sunflower (yellow)
Arrow Vine (white)
Arrow-leaved Tearthumb (white)
Arrowhead (white)
Ash-leaved Maple (yellow-green)
Asiatic Dayflower (blue)
Balsam-apple (white)
Basswood (yellow)
Bastard Toadflax (white)
Bearbind (pink)
Bee Balm (red)
Beggar-weed (pink-purple)
Big-bract Verbena (blue)
Bird's-nest (white)
Bitter Dock (green)
Bittersweet (green-white)
Black Mustard (yellow)
Black Walnut (green)
Black-eyed Susan (yellow)
Blister Plant (yellow)
Bloodroot (white)
Blue Bugle (blue)
Blue Bugleweed (blue)
Blue Cardinal Flower (blue-purple)
Blue Flag (blue)
Blue Flag (blue)
Blue Giant Hyssop (blue)
Blue Lobelia (blue-purple)
Blue Lupine (blue-purple-white)
Blue Verbena (blue)
Blue Vervain (blue)
Blue-fruited Dogwood (white)
Blueflag Iris (blue)
Bog Yellow-cress (yellow)
Boneset (pink-purple)
Bottlebrush Sedge (white-green)
Bouncing Bet (white-pink)
Box Elder (yellow-green)
Boxelder (yellow-green)
Boxelder Maple (yellow-green)
Bracted Vervain (blue)
Bristly Aster (blue-purple)
Bristly Buttercup (yellow)
Bristly Crowfoot (yellow)
Bristly Sedge (white-green)
Broad-leaf Arrowhead (white)
Broad-leaved Dock (green)
Broad-leaved Purple Coneflower (purple)
Broadleaf Dock (green)
Brown Mustard (yellow)
Brown-Eyed Susan (yellow)
Buckwheat (white)
Bulb-bearing Water-hemlock (white)
Bulblet Water-hemlock (white)
Bulblet-Bearing Water Hemlock (white)
Bull-head Pond-lily (yellow)
Bullhead Lily (yellow)
Bunchberry (white)
Bunchberry Dogwood (white)
Bur-Marigold (yellow)
Burdock (white)
Butter-daisy (yellow)
Butterfly Milkweed (orange)
Butterfly-weed (orange)
Button Eryngo (white)
Button Snakeroot (white)
Cadlock (yellow)
Canada Frostweed (yellow)
Canada Milkvetch (white)
Canada Rockrose (yellow)
Canada tickclover (pink-purple)
Canadian Bunchberry (white)
Canadian Dwarf Cornel (white)
Canadian Milk-vetch (white)
Canadian Tick-trefoil (pink-purple)
Cardinal Flower (red)
Carpenter's Weed (yellow)
Carpenter-weed (purple-white)
Carpetweed (white)
Celandine (yellow)
Cheese-plant (white-pink)
Cheeses (white-pink)
Chigger-flower (orange)
China Jute (orange-yellow)
Chives (purple)
Cinnamon Willow-Herb (pink)
Clammy-Weed (white-pink)
Clammyweed (white-pink)
Climbing Bittersweet (green-white)
Climbing Buckwheat (white-green)
Climbing False Buckwheat (white-green)
Clotbur (white)
Cocklebur (green)
Columnar Coneflower (yellow)
Columnar Prairie Coneflower (yellow)
Common Amaranth (green)
Common Arrowhead (white)
Common Buckwheat (white)
Common Burdock (white)
Common Buttercup (yellow)
Common Chickweed (white)
Common Cocklebur (green)
Common Comandra (white)
Common Comfrey (pink-purple)
Common Cosmos (pink)
Common Cow Parsnip (white)
Common Dayflower (blue)
Common Dodder (white)
Common Dogbane (white)
Common Forget-me-not (blue)
Common Frostweed (yellow)
Common Gold-star (yellow)
Common Golden Alexanders (yellow)
Common Ground Cherry (yellow)
Common Groundsel (yellow)
Common Knotweed (white-green)
Common Mallow (white-pink)
Common Morning Glory (purple)
Common Mountain Mint (white-purple)
Common Mouse-ear (white)
Common Mugwort (yellow-red)
Common Nipplewort (yellow)
Common Pearly Everlasting (yellow-brown)
Common Peppergrass (white)
Common Periwinkle (blue)
Common Purslane (yellow)
Common Rockrose (yellow)
Common Selfheal (purple-white)
Common Soapwort (white-pink)
Common Sowthistle (yellow)
Common Star-grass (yellow)
Common Stitchwort (white)
Common Sunflower (yellow)
Common Wormwood (yellow-red)
Common Yellow Oxalis (yellow)
Common Yellow-cress (yellow)
Compass Plant (yellow)
Compass Plant (yellow)
Coral Honeysuckle (red-orange)
Corn Mint (white-pink)
Corn Speedwell (blue)
Cosmos (pink)
Cotton-weed (orange-yellow)
Cow Parsnip (white)
Cowslip (yellow)
Cream Gentian (white)
Cream White Indigo (yellow)
Cream Wild Indigo (yellow)
Creeping Buttercup (yellow)
Creeping Crowfoot (yellow)
Creeping Dogwood (white)
Creeping Myrtle (blue)
Creeping Vervain (blue)
Crimson Beebalm (red)
Crow Soap (white-pink)
Cuckoo-button (white)
Cup Plant (yellow)
Cup Rosinweed (yellow)
Cushion Baby's-breath (pink-red)
Cypress Spurge (yellow-green)
Damask Violet (pink)
Dame's Rocket (pink)
Dame's Violet (pink)
Day Lily (orange)
Dayflower (blue)
Dead Nettle (yellow)
Dead-nettle (pink-purple)
Devil's Darning Needle (white)
Devil's Hair (white)
Devil's-grip (white)
Devil's-plague (white)
Disc Mayweed (yellow)
Dogbane (white)
Doorweed (white-green)
Doubtful Knight's Spur (blue-purple)
Downy Phlox (pink)
Downy Rattlesnake Plantain (white)
Duck Potato (white)
Dwarf Cornel (white)
Dwarf Periwinkle (blue)
Early Buttercup (yellow)
Early Wild Rose (pink-red)
Eastern Feverfew (white)
Eastern Meadowsweet (white)
Eastern Parthenium (white)
Eastern Purple Coneflower (purple)
Eastern Willow-Herb (pink)
Erect Bindweed (white)
Fall Phlox (pink)
False Bittersweet (green-white)
False Buckwheat (white-green)
False Toadflax (white)
False Virginia Creeper (green)
False-dandelion (yellow-orange)
Felon-herb (yellow-red)
Fennel Giant Hyssop (blue)
Field Chickweed (white)
Field Clover (yellow)
Field Mint (white-pink)
Field Mouse-ear Chickweed (white)
Finger Coreopsis (yellow)
Finger Tickseed (yellow)
Firewheel (red-yellow)
Fistulous Goat's-beard (yellow)
Flat-top Aster (white)
Flat-topped Aster (white)
Flat-topped White Aster (white)
Fly-trap Dogbane (white-pink)
Forget-me-not (blue)
Fragrant Giant Hyssop (blue)
Fringe-leaf Ruellia (pink-purple)
Frost Grape (green)
Fulvous Daylily (orange)
Garden Cosmos (pink)
Garden Heliotrope (white-pink)
Garden Loosestrife (yellow)
Garden Phlox (pink)
Garden Valerian (white-pink)
Geneva Bugle (blue)
Geneva Bugleweed (blue)
Giant Buttercup (yellow)
Giant Chickweed (white)
Giant Larkspur (blue-purple)
Giant St. John's-wort (yellow)
Glossy-Leaved Aster (blue-purple)
Golden Alexanders (yellow)
Golden Cassia (yellow)
Golden Dead Nettle (yellow)
Golden Ragwort (yellow)
Golden Zizia (yellow)
Grape-woodbine (green)
Grass-leaved Chickweed (white)
Grass-leaved Stitchwort (white)
Grass-like Starwort (white)
Graveyard Spurge (yellow-green)
Great Blue Lobelia (blue-purple)
Great Bulrush (brown)
Great Lobelia (blue-purple)
Great St. John's-wort (yellow)
Great St. Johnswort (yellow)
Greater Celandine (yellow)
Greater Sand Goat's-beard (yellow)
Green Carpetweed (white)
Green Pigweed (green)
Green Tansy Mustard (yellow)
Green-Stemmed Joe-Pye Weed (pink-purple)
Green-ginger (yellow-red)
Hairy Coneflower (yellow)
Hairy Hedge Nettle (pink-purple)
Hairy Ruellia (pink-purple)
Hairy Wild Petunia (pink-purple)
Harlequin Blue Flag (blue)
Healall (purple-white)
Heart-leaved Four O'Clock (pink)
Heart-leaved Groundsel (yellow)
Heart-leaved Umbrella-wort (pink)
Hedge Bindweed (pink)
Hedgebell (pink)
Hemp Dogbane (white)
Henbit (pink-purple)
Hispid Hedge-nettle (pink-purple)
Hoary Tick-trefoil (pink-purple)
Hop Clover (yellow)
Hungarian Iris (yellow)
Indian Blanket (red-yellow)
Indian Chickweed (white)
Indian Cup (yellow)
Indian Hemp (white)
Indian Hemp (orange-yellow)
Indian Mallow (orange-yellow)
Indian Paintbrush (orange)
Indian Pink (red)
Inland Jersey Tea (white)
Inland New Jersey Tea (white)
Japanese Knotweed (white)
Japanese Mint (white-pink)
Japanese Plume Grass (white)
Jersey Tea (white)
Jersey Tea (white)
Jim Hill Mustard (yellow)
Jointed Charlock (yellow)
King's-cup (yellow)
Knitbone (pink-purple)
Knob-styled Dogwood (white)
Knotgrass (white-green)
Lance-leaf Arrowhead (white)
Lance-leaf Loosestrife (yellow)
Lance-leaf Sagittaria (white)
Lance-leaf Tiger Lily (orange-red)
Lance-leaved Loosestrife (yellow)
Large Hop Clover (yellow)
Larger Blue (blue)
Larkspur (blue-purple)
Lavender Giant Hyssop (blue)
Lavender Hyssop (blue)
Lawn Prunella (purple-white)
Leafy Spurge (yellow)
Lesser Burdock (white)
Lesser Periwinkle (blue)
Lesser Stitchwort (white)
Little False Solomon's-seal (white)
Little Hogweed (yellow)
Locust-weed (yellow)
Long-bracted Wild Indigo (yellow)
Long-branch Frostweed (yellow)
Long-headed Coneflower (yellow)
Long-leaf Ground Cherry (yellow)
Long-leaved Ground-cherry (yellow)
Longhair Sedge (white-green)
Low Baby's Breath (pink-red)
Low Baby's-breath (pink-red)
Low Bindweed (white)
Low False Bindweed (white)
Low Hop Clover (yellow)
Mallow (white-pink)
Manitoba Maple (yellow-green)
Marsh Marigold (yellow)
Marsh Pea (pink-purple)
Marsh Vetchling (pink-purple)
Marsh Yellow Cress (yellow)
Marsh-cress (yellow)
Marsh-marigold (yellow)
May-blob (yellow)
Meadow Blazing Star (pink)
Meadow Buttercup (yellow)
Meadow Garlic (pink-white)
Meadow Roae (pink-red)
Meadow-bright (yellow)
Meadowsweet (white)
Mexican Bamboo (white)
Mexican Hat (yellow)
Michaelmas Daisy (purple)
Michigan Lily (red-orange)
Milk Purslane (white)
Milk Thistle (yellow)
Mirasol (yellow)
Moccasin Flower (pink)
Moccasin Flower (yellow)
Monkey Flower (blue-purple)
Morning-glory (purple)
Moss-rose (red)
Mother-of-the-evening (pink)
Mountain Sweet (white)
Mouse-ear Chickweed (white)
Mugwort (yellow-red)
Myrtle (blue)
Narrow-leaf Eastern Meadowsweet (white)
Narrow-leaf Meadowsweet (white)
Narrow-leaved Cattail (brown)
Narrow-leaved Hedge-nettle (pink-purple)
Narrow-leaved New Jersey Tea (white)
New England Aster (purple)
New Jersey Tea (white)
Night-scented Gilliflower (pink)
Nipplewort (yellow)
Nodding Beggarticks (yellow)
Nodding Bur-Marigold (yellow)
Northern Blue Flag (blue)
Northern Bugleweed (white)
Northern Plains Blazing Star (pink)
Northern Plains Gayfeather (pink)
Northern Water-horehound (white)
Norway Maple (yellow-green)
Norwegian Cinquefoil (yellow)
Old Man's Night Cap (pink)
Orange Cosmos (orange)
Orange Daylily (orange)
Orange Dwarf Dandelion (yellow-orange)
Orange Milkweed (orange)
Orange-root (orange)
Oregano (pink-purple)
Oswego-tea (red)
Pale Dogwood (white)
Pale Gentian (white)
Pale-yellow Iris (yellow)
Parasol Aster (white)
Parasol Whitetop (white)
Partridge Pea (yellow)
Pearly Everlasting (yellow-brown)
Pennsylvania Buttercup (yellow)
Perennial Phlox (pink)
Periwinkle (blue)
Piemarker (orange-yellow)
Pigweed (green)
Pineapple-weed (yellow)
Pink Lady's Slipper (pink)
Pink Moccasin-flower (pink)
Pinnate Hop Clover (yellow)
Pinnate Tansy Mustard (yellow)
Pitchforks (yellow)
Plain Gentian (white)
Plains Clover (yellow)
Plains Prickly Pear (yellow)
Plains Wild Indigo (yellow)
Pleurisy-root (orange)
Plumeless Thistle (purple)
Poison Flag (blue)
Poke Milkweed (white)
Poor Man's Pepper Grass (white)
Poor-man's Pepperweed (white)
Poor-man's-pepper (white)
Poorman's Pepperwort (white)
Portulaca (red)
Prairie Blazing Star (pink-red)
Prairie Coneflower (yellow)
Prairie Coreopsis (yellow)
Prairie Dogbane (white)
Prairie Mouse-ear Chickweed (white)
Prairie Petunia (pink-purple)
Prairie Phlox (pink)
Prairie Redroot (white)
Prairie Tickseed (yellow)
Prickly Lettuce (yellow)
Prickly Sow-thistle (yellow)
Prostrate Knotweed (white-green)
Prostrate Spurge (white)
Prostrate Vervain (blue)
Purple Coneflower (purple)
Purple Joe Pye Weed (pink-purple)
Purple-Leaved Willow Herb (pink)
Purple-leaf Willowherb (pink)
Purple-stemmed Aster (blue-purple)
Purplestem Aster (blue-purple)
Purslane (yellow)
Pusley (yellow)
Putty-root (yellow-green)
Pygmy Smartweed (white-red)
Queen Anne's Lace (white)
Queen's Gilliflower (pink)
Queen's-lace (white)
Radish (yellow)
Rattlesnake Master (white)
Rattleweed (white)
Red Maple (red)
Red Osier (white)
Red Root (white)
Red Sand Spurrey (red)
Red Sand-spurrey (red)
Red Sands Spurrey (red)
Red Willow (white)
Red Willow (white)
Red-Osier Dogwood (white)
Red-puccoon (white)
Red-stemmed Aster (blue-purple)
Red-whisker Clammyweed (white-pink)
Redroot (white)
Redroot (green)
Redroot (white)
Redroot Amaranth (green)
Redroot Pigweed (green)
Redstem Dogwood (white)
Rheumatism Root (white)
Riverbank Grape (green)
Riverside Wormwood (yellow-red)
Roadside Sand Spurry (red)
Roadside Sand-spurrey (red)
Rocket (pink)
Rocket Larkspur (blue-purple)
Rocky Mountain Blazing Star (pink)
Rose Milkflower (pink)
Rose Milkweed (pink)
Rose-moss (red)
Rough Amaranth (green)
Rough Cinquefoil (yellow)
Rough Cocklebur (green)
Rough Pigweed (green)
Rough-seed Clammy-weed (white-pink)
Rue Anemone (pink-white)
Running-myrtle (blue)
Russian Mulberry (green)
Sage-wort (yellow-red)
Scaldweed (white)
Scarlet Bee Balm (red)
Scarlet Honeysuckle (red-orange)
Scarlet Monarda (red)
Scurvy (yellow)
Self-heal (purple-white)
Selfheal (purple-white)
Senvil (yellow)
Sessile-fruited Arrowhead (white)
Sharp-lobed Hepatica (white-blue)
Sheep Sorrel (yellow)
Showy Blazing Star (pink)
Showy Partridge-Pea (yellow)
Showy Tick-trefoil (pink-purple)
Shreve's Iris (blue)
Shrubby Bittersweet (green-white)
Shrubby Five-fingers (white)
Shrubby St. John's Wort (yellow)
Siberian Squill (blue)
Silkworm Mulberry (green)
Silky Dogwood (white)
Silver Banner Grass (white)
Silver Maple (red)
Simpler's-joy (blue)
Sleeping-plant (yellow)
Slender Bugleweed (white)
Slender White Prairie-clover (white)
Slender-stem Pea-vine (pink-purple)
Slippery-root (pink-purple)
Small Balsam (yellow)
Small Bulrush (brown)
Small Hop-clover (yellow)
Small Pink Lady’s-slipper (pink)
Small Tumbleweed Mustard (yellow)
Small Water-pepper (white-red)
Small-flowered Touch-me-not (yellow)
Smaller Bur-Marigold (yellow)
Smaller Burdock (white)
Smooth Ground Cherry (yellow)
Smooth Hedge Nettle (pink-purple)
Smooth Long-leaved Ground-cherry (yellow)
Smooth Rose (pink-red)
Smooth Wild Rose (pink-red)
Soapweed (white-pink)
Soapwort (white-pink)
Soft Flag (brown)
Soft-stem Bulrush (brown)
Sourgrass (yellow)
Southern Blue Flag (blue)
Sowthistle (yellow)
Spiny Plumeless Thistle (purple)
Spiny Sow-thistle (yellow)
Spiny Sowthistle (yellow)
Spiny-leaf Sow-thistle (yellow)
Spotted Sandmat (white)
Spotted Spurge (white)
Spreading Dogbane (white-pink)
Square-stemmed Monkey-flower (blue-purple)
Staghorn Sumac (green-yellow)
Standing Bugle (blue)
Star-flowered Lily-of-the-Valley (white)
Star-flowered Solomon's Seal (white)
Starry False Lily-of-the-Valley (white)
Starry False Solomon's Seal (white)
Starry Grasswort (white)
Starweed (white)
Starwort (white)
Stemless Lady's-slipper (pink)
Stiff Arrow-head (white)
Stiff Coreopsis (yellow)
Stiff Tickseed (yellow)
Strawberry-weed (yellow)
Sulfur Cosmos (orange)
Sulphur Cosmos (orange)
Sumer Perennial Phlox (pink)
Summer Phlox (pink)
Sundial Lupine (blue-purple-white)
Sunflower (yellow)
Swamp Aster (blue-purple)
Swamp Dodder (white)
Swamp Dogwood (white)
Swamp Maple (red)
Swamp Maple (red)
Swamp Milkweed (pink)
Swamp Silkweed (pink)
Swamp Verbena (blue)
Swamp Willow Weed (white-red)
Sweet Joe-Pye Weed (pink-purple)
Sweet Rocket (pink)
Sweet Scented Joe Pye Weed (pink-purple)
Sweet William (red-pink)
Tall Buttercup (yellow)
Tall Five-finger (yellow)
Tall Flat-topped White Aster (white)
Tall Ground-cherry (yellow)
Tall Hedge Mustard (yellow)
Tall Milkweed (white)
Tall Morning-glory (purple)
Tall Tumble Mustard (yellow)
Tall Wood-sorrel (yellow)
Tansy Mustard (yellow)
Tawny Daylily (orange)
Thick-root Buttercup (yellow)
Thick-spike Blazing-star (pink-red)
Thick-spike Gay-feather (pink-red)
Thicket Creeper (green)
Thin-leaf Coneflower (yellow)
Thinleaf Betony (pink-purple)
Three-lobed Coneflower (yellow)
Three-toothed Cinquefoil (white)
Thyme-leaved Sandwort (white)
Tick-trefoil (pink-purple)
Tiger Lily (orange-red)
Toad Sorrel (yellow)
Toothed Spurge (white-green)
Tower Mustard (white)
Tower Rock-cress (white)
Traveller's Joy (white)
True Forget-me-not (blue)
Trumpet Honeysuckle (red-orange)
Tuber-root (orange)
Tumble Mustard (yellow)
Tumblemustard (yellow)
Tumbleweed (yellow)
Twist-spine Prickly-pear (yellow)
Two-flowered Cynthia (yellow-orange)
Two-flowered False Dandelion (yellow-orange)
Umbellate Bastard Toadflax (white)
Umbrella-wort (pink)
Upright Bugle (blue)
Upright Prairie Coneflower (yellow)
Upright Yellow Wood-sorrel (yellow)
Velvet Leaf (orange-yellow)
Velvet Sumac (green-yellow)
Velvetleaf (orange-yellow)
Velvetweed (orange-yellow)
Virgin's Bower (white)
Virginia Creeper (green)
Virginia Iris (blue)
Virginia Mountain Mint (white-purple)
Virginia Peppercress (white)
Virginia Peppergrass (white)
Virginia Sumac (green-yellow)
Virginia Virgin's Bower (white)
Virginia pepper-weed (white)
Wall Speedwell (blue)
Wapato (white)
Warlock (yellow)
Wart-weed (white)
Water Chickweed (white)
Water Flag (yellow)
Water Forget-me-not (blue)
Water Maple (red)
Water Maple (red)
Water Scorpion Grass (blue)
Waxwork (green-white)
Welted Thistle (purple)
Western Goat's Beard (yellow)
Western Pearly Everlasting (yellow-brown)
Western Pricklypear (yellow)
Western Salsify (yellow)
Western Tansy Mustard (yellow)
White Charlock (yellow)
White Meadowsweet (white)
White Mulberry (green)
White Prairie Clover (white)
White Valerian (white-pink)
Whorled Carpetweed (white)
Wild Carrot (white)
Wild Chives (purple)
Wild Cucumber (white)
Wild Cucumber Vine (white)
Wild Four O'Clock (pink)
Wild Garlic (pink-white)
Wild Grape (green)
Wild Lupine (blue-purple-white)
Wild Marjoram (pink-purple)
Wild Mint (white-pink)
Wild Morning Glory (pink)
Wild Perennial Lupine (blue-purple-white)
Wild Petunia (pink-purple)
Wild Quinine (white)
Wild Radish (yellow)
Wild Rose (pink-red)
Wild Sunflower (yellow)
Wild Verbena (blue)
Wind Flower (pink-white)
Wineleaf (white)
Wolf's Milk (yellow)
Woodbine (green)
Woodbine (white)
Woolly Plantain (white)
Wormseed Mustard (yellow)
Wormseed Wallflower (yellow)
Yellow Archangel (yellow)
Yellow Avens (yellow)
Yellow Cosmos (orange)
Yellow Dead Nettle (yellow)
Yellow Flag (yellow)
Yellow Gentian (white)
Yellow Goat's Beard (yellow)
Yellow Iris (yellow)
Yellow Lady's Slipper (yellow)
Yellow Lady's Slipper Orchid (yellow)
Yellow Lady's-slipper (yellow)
Yellow Loosestrife (yellow)
Yellow Marsh-marigold (yellow)
Yellow Pond-lily (yellow)
Yellow Salsify (yellow)
Yellow Star Flower (yellow)
Yellow Star Grass (yellow)
Yellow Water Flag (yellow)
Yellow Water Iris (yellow)
Yellow Wood Sorrel (yellow)
Yellow Woodsorrel (yellow)
Yellow-eyed Grass (yellow)

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