(Principal flower color in parenthesis)
Abutilon theophrasti (orange-yellow)
Acer negundo (yellow-green)
Acer rubrum (red)
Achillea millefolium (pink)
Acorus americanus (yellow-brown)
Actaea pachypoda (white)
Actaea rubra (white)
Aegopodium podagraria (white)
Aesculus glabra (yellow-green)
Aesculus hippocastanum (white)
Agalinis tenuifolia (pink)
Ageratina altissima (white)
Agrimonia striata (yellow)
Alliaria petiolata (white)
Allium cernuum (pink)
Amaranthus tuberculatus (brown-red)
Ambrosia artemisiifolia (green-yellow)
Ambrosia trifida (green-yellow)
Amelanchier arborea (white)
Amorpha canescens (purple-blue)
Amphicarpaea bracteata (white)
Andropogon gerardi (purple)
Anemonastrum canadensis (white)
Anemone cylindrica (white)
Anemone quinquefolia (white)
Anemone virginiana (white)
Antennaria parlinii (white)
Anthemis cotula (white)
Apios americana (pink-red)
Aquilegia canadensis (red)
Arabidopsis lyrata (white)
Aralia nudicaulis (white)
Aralia racemosa (white)
Arctium minus (purple)
Arisaema dracontium (green-yellow)
Arisaema triphyllum (green)
Artemisia ludoviciana (yellow-white)
Asarum canadense (red)
Asclepias incarnata (red)
Asclepias syriaca (pink-white)
Asclepias tuberosa (orange)
Asclepias viridiflora (green)
Asparagus officinalis (white)
Bacopa rotundifolia (white)
Baptisia bracteata (yellow)
Baptisia lactea (white)
Barbarea vulgaris (yellow)
Berberis thunbergii (yellow-red)
Berteroa incana (white)
Bidens cernua (yellow)
Bidens connata (yellow)
Bidens discoidea (yellow)
Bidens frondosa (yellow)
Bidens vulgata (yellow)
Boehmeria cylindrica (green-white)
Borodinia dentata (white)
Borodinia laevigata (white)
Caltha palustris (yellow)
Calystegia sepium (white)
Campanula rapunculoides (blue-purple)
Campanula rotundifolia (blue-purple)
Campanulastrum americanum (blue)
Capsella bursa-pastoris (white)
Cardamine concatenata (white)
Cardamine pensylvanica (white)
Carex pedunculata (white)
Carex sprengelii (white-yellow)
Catalpa speciosa (white)
Caulophyllum thalictroides (yellow-green)
Centaurea stoebe (pink-purple-white)
Cerastium fontanum (white)
Chamaecrista fasciculata (yellow)
Chelone glabra (white)
Chenopodium album (green)
Chenopodium pratericola (green)
Cichorium intybus (blue-white)
Cicuta maculata (white)
Circaea canadensis (white)
Cirsium arvense (purple)
Cirsium discolor (pink)
Cirsium vulgare (purple)
Claytonia virginica (pink)
Clematis virginiana (white)
Clintonia borealis (yellow)
Convallaria majalis (white)
Coreopsis palmata (yellow)
Cornus alternifolia (white)
Cornus amomum (white)
Coronilla varia (pink-white)
Corylus americana (brown-red)
Crepis tectorum (yellow)
Crocanthemum bicknellii (yellow)
Cryptotaenia canadensis (white)
Cuscuta gronovii (white)
Cynoglossum amabile (blue)
Dalea candida (white)
Dalea purpurea (purple)
Daucus carota (white)
Delphinium carolinianum (white)
Desmodium canadense (pink-purple)
Dianthus armeria (pink)
Dicentra cucullaria (white)
Diervilla lonicera (yellow)
Dioscorea villosa (yellow)
Drymocallis arguta (white)
Elymus hystrix (white)
Enemion biternatum (white)
Epigaea repens (white)
Epilobium ciliatum (white-pink-purple)
Epipactis helleborine (yellow-green-pink)
Erechtites hieraciifolius (white-yellow)
Erigeron annuus (white)
Erigeron canadensis (white-yellow)
Erigeron strigosus (white-yellow)
Erysimum cheiranthoides (yellow)
Erythronium albidum (white)
Euonymus alatus (yellow-green)
Eupatorium perfoliatum (white)
Euphorbia corollata (white)
Euphorbia maculata (white)
Eurybia macrophylla (white)
Euthamia graminifolia (yellow)
Eutrochium maculatum (pink-purple)
Fragaria vesca (white)
Fragaria virginiana (white)
Frangula alnus (white)
Galeopsis bifida (pink)
Galinsoga quadriradiata (white)
Galium aparine (white)
Galium asprellum (white)
Galium boreale (white)
Galium concinnum (white)
Galium tinctorium (white)
Galium trifidum (white)
Galium triflorum (white-green)
Gentiana puberulenta (blue)
Geranium maculatum (pink)
Geum canadense (white)
Geum triflorum (red-white)
Glechoma hederacea (purple-blue)
Gnaphalium uliginosum (brown)
Gratiola neglecta (white)
Hackelia virginiana (white-blue)
Helenium autumnale (yellow)
Helianthus annuus (yellow)
Helianthus giganteus (yellow)
Helianthus occidentalis (yellow)
Helianthus strumosus (yellow)
Helianthus tuberosus (yellow)
Heliopsis helianthoides (yellow)
Hepatica americana (purple)
Hesperis matronalis (pink)
Heuchera richardsonii (green-white)
Hieracium longipilum (yellow)
Hieracium scabrum (yellow)
Hieracium umbellatum (yellow)
Hordeum jubatum (white-green)
Houstonia longifolia (white-pink)
Hydrophyllum virginianum (white)
Hylodesmum glutinosum (pink-white)
Hylotelephium spectabile (red)
Hypericum perforatum (yellow)
Hypericum punctatum (yellow)
Ilex verticillata (white)
Impatiens balsamina (white-yellow)
Impatiens capensis (yellow)
Impatiens pallida (yellow)
Impatiens parviflora (yellow)
Lactuca biennis (white-blue)
Lactuca canadensis (yellow)
Lactuca serriola (yellow)
Laportea canadensis (white-green)
Lapsana communis (yellow)
Lathyrus ochroleucus (white)
Leonurus cardiaca (purple-pink)
Lepidium virginicum (white)
Lespedeza capitata (white-red)
Leucanthemum vulgare (white)
Liatris aspera (pink)
Liatris pycnostachya (pink-red)
Linaria vulgaris (yellow-orange)
Lindernia dubia (white-blue-purple)
Linum sulcatum (yellow)
Lithospermum canescens (yellow)
Lithospermum caroliniense (yellow-orange)
Lobelia cardinalis (red)
Lobelia inflata (white-blue)
Lobelia siphilitica (blue-purple)
Lonicera dioica (red)
Lonicera morrowii (white)
Lonicera tatarica (pink-red)
Lotus corniculatus (yellow)
Lycopus americanus (white-purple)
Lycopus uniflorus (white)
Lycopus virginicus (white)
Lysimachia borealis (white)
Lysimachia ciliata (yellow)
Lysimachia lanceolata (yellow)
Lysimachia quadrifolia (yellow)
Lythrum salicaria (purple)
Maianthemum canadense (white)
Maianthemum racemosum (white)
Medicago lupulina (yellow)
Melilotus albus (white)
Melilotus officinalis (yellow)
Menispermum canadense (white)
Mentha canadensis (white-pink)
Mimulus ringens (blue-purple)
Mirabilis albida (white)
Mitella diphylla (white)
Moehringia lateriflora (white)
Mollugo verticillata (white)
Monarda fistulosa (pink-purple-white)
Monarda punctata (yellow)
Monotropa uniflora (white)
Myosotis scorpioides (blue)
Nabalus albus (purple-white-brown)
Nepeta cataria (white-purple)
Nuttallanthus canadensis (blue-white)
Oenothera biennis (yellow)
Oenothera clelandii (yellow)
Osmorhiza claytonii (white)
Osmorhiza longistylis (white)
Ostrya virginiana (brown-green)
Oxalis stricta (yellow-white)
Parietaria pensylvanica (green)
Parogonum ciliinode (white)
Pastinaca sativa (yellow)
Penstemon bradburyi (pink)
Penstemon digitalis (white-pink)
Penstemon gracilis (purple)
Penthorum sedoides (white)
Persicaria amphibia (pink)
Persicaria hydropiper (white)
Persicaria lapathifolia (white)
Persicaria longiseta (pink)
Persicaria maculosa (pink)
Persicaria pensylvanica (white-pink)
Persicaria sagittata (white)
Persicaria virginiana (white)
Phleum pratense (white-brown)
Phlox divaricata (purple-pink)
Phryma leptostachya (white-pink)
Physalis virginiana (yellow)
Physocarpus opulifolius (white)
Physostegia virginiana (pink)
Pilea fontana (green)
Pilosella aurantiaca (orange)
Plantago major (white-green)
Plantago patagonica (white)
Plantago rugelii (white)
Polygala polygama (pink-red)
Polygonatum biflorum (green-yellow)
Polygonum aviculare (white-green)
Polymnia canadensis (white)
Potentilla argentea (yellow)
Potentilla norvegica (yellow)
Potentilla recta (yellow)
Potentilla simplex (yellow)
Prunella vulgaris (purple-white)
Prunus americana (white-red)
Prunus virginiana (white)
Psammophiliella muralis (pink-red)
Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium (yellow-brown-white)
Ranunculus abortivus (yellow)
Ranunculus hispidus (yellow)
Ranunculus pensylvanicus (yellow)
Ranunculus recurvatus (yellow)
Ranunculus rhomboideus (yellow)
Ratibida pinnata (yellow)
Rhamnus cathartica (yellow-green)
Rhus aromatica (yellow-green)
Rhus typhina (red)
Ribes americanum (white)
Ribes missouriense (white)
Robinia pseudoacacia (white)
Rorippa palustris (yellow)
Rosa arkansana (pink)
Rosa blanda (pink-red)
Rosa carolina (pink-white)
Rubus allegheniensis (white)
Rubus occidentalis (white)
Rudbeckia hirta (yellow)
Rudbeckia laciniata (yellow)
Rumex acetosella (red)
Rumex crispus (green-yellow-brown)
Sagina procumbens (white)
Sagittaria latifolia (white)
Sambucus canadensis (white)
Sambucus racemosa (white)
Sanguinaria canadensis (white)
Sanicula odorata (yellow-green)
Saponaria officinalis (white-pink)
Scilla siberica (blue)
Scrophularia lanceolata (brown-red-green)
Scutellaria lateriflora (purple-blue)
Setaria pumila (yellow)
Setaria viridis (green)
Sicyos angulatus (green-white)
Silene latifolia (white)
Sisymbrium loeselii (yellow)
Sisyrinchium campestre (white)
Sium suave (white)
Smilax ecirrhata (green)
Smilax illinoensis (white-green)
Smilax lasioneura (green)
Smilax tamnoides (green)
Solanum americanum (white)
Solanum dulcamara (purple)
Solidago altissima (yellow)
Solidago canadensis (yellow)
Solidago flexicaulis (yellow)
Solidago gigantea (yellow)
Solidago nemoralis (yellow)
Solidago rigida (yellow)
Solidago speciosa (yellow)
Solidago ulmifolia (yellow)
Sonchus arvensis (yellow)
Sonchus oleraceus (yellow)
Sorghastrum nutans (brown-yellow)
Staphylea trifolia (white)
Stellaria aquatica (white)
Stellaria graminea (white)
Symphyotrichum cordifolium (blue-purple)
Symphyotrichum drummondii (blue-purple-white)
Symphyotrichum ericoides (white)
Symphyotrichum laeve (blue-purple)
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum (white)
Symphyotrichum lateriflorum (white-yellow)
Symphyotrichum oolentangiense (blue-purple)
Symphyotrichum pilosum (white)
Symphyotrichum urophyllum (white-yellow)
Symplocarpus foetidus (brown-red)
Tanacetum vulgare (yellow)
Taraxacum officinale (yellow)
Tephrosia virginiana (yellow-red)
Teucrium canadense (white-purple)
Thalictrum dasycarpum (white)
Thalictrum dioicum (white-green)
Thlaspi arvense (white)
Tilia americana (yellow)
Toxicodendron rydbergii (white-green)
Tradescantia occidentalis (purple)
Tradescantia ohiensis (white)
Tragopogon dubius (yellow)
Trifolium arvense (white-pink)
Trifolium hybridum (white-pink)
Trifolium pratense (red)
Trifolium repens (white)
Trillium cernuum (white)
Trillium flexipes (white)
Urtica dioica (white)
Uvularia grandiflora (yellow)
Uvularia sessilifolia (yellow)
Vaccinium angustifolium (white)
Verbascum thapsus (yellow)
Verbena bracteata (pink-blue-purple)
Verbena hastata (blue)
Verbena stricta (purple)
Verbena urticifolia (white)
Vernonia fasciculata (purple)
Veronica arvensis (blue)
Veronica peregrina (white)
Veronica serpyllifolia (white-purple)
Veronicastrum virginicum (white)
Viburnum lentago (white)
Viburnum opulus (white)
Vicia americana (purple)
Vicia villosa (purple)
Viola pedata (purple-blue)
Viola pubescens (yellow)
Viola sagittata (blue-purple)
Viola sororia (pink-red)
Vitis riparia (green)
Xanthium strumarium (green)
(Principal flower color in parenthesis)
Adder's Tongue (white)
Ague-weed (white)
Alder Buckthorn (white)
Algodoncillo (pink-white)
Allegheny Blackberry (white)
Allegheny Monkey Flower (blue-purple)
Alpine Strawberry (white)
Alsike Clover (white-pink)
Alternate-leaved Dogwood (white)
American Basswood (yellow)
American Bellflower (blue)
American Black Currant (white)
American Bugleweed (white-purple)
American Burn-weed (white-yellow)
American Cranberrybush (white)
American Elder (white)
American Elderberry (white)
American Figwort (brown-red-green)
American Filbert (brown-red)
American Germander (white-purple)
American Hazel (brown-red)
American Hazelnut (brown-red)
American Hog Peanut (white)
American Hop-hornbeam (brown-green)
American Linden (yellow)
American Lop-seed (white-pink)
American Lopseed (white-pink)
American Plantain (white)
American Potato-bean (pink-red)
American Spikenard (white)
American Starflower (white)
American Sweet Flag (yellow-brown)
American Vetch (purple)
American Water Horehound (white-purple)
American Willowherb (white-pink-purple)
American bladdernut (white)
American plum (white-red)
American vervain (blue)
Anise (white)
Anise-root (white)
Aniseroot (white)
Annual Bedstraw (white)
Annual Bur-sage (green-yellow)
Annual Fleabane (white)
Annual Ragweed (green-yellow)
Annual Sowthistle (yellow)
Annual Sunflower (yellow)
Annual Toadflax (blue-white)
Arkansas Rose (pink)
Arrow Vine (white)
Arrow-leaved Tearthumb (white)
Arrow-leaved Violet (blue-purple)
Arrowhead (white)
Arrowhead Violet (blue-purple)
Arrowleaf Aster (white-yellow)
Arrowleaf Violet (blue-purple)
Ash-leaved Maple (yellow-green)
Asian Fly Honeysuckle (white)
Asiatic Smartweed (pink)
Asiatic Waterpepper (pink)
Asparagus (white)
Aster lisse (blue-purple)
Asthma-weed (white-blue)
Atlantic Ninebark (white)
August Plum (white-red)
Awl Aster (white)
Azure Aster (blue-purple)
Bacon-weed (green)
Balsam (white-yellow)
Baneberry (white)
Basswood (yellow)
Bastard Evening Primrose (yellow)
Bearbind (white)
Beard Grass (purple)
Bee Balm (pink-purple-white)
Beebread (red)
Beggar's Lice (white-blue)
Beggar-weed (pink-purple)
Bellflower (blue-purple)
Bent Trillium (white)
Bicknell's Rock-rose (yellow)
Bifid Hemp-nettle (pink)
Big Bluestem (purple)
Big Devil's Beggarticks (yellow)
Big-bract Verbena (pink-blue-purple)
Big-leaved Aster (white)
Bigleaf Aster (white)
Bigleaf Wood Aster (white)
Bird's-eye Pearlwort (white)
Bird's-foot Deer-vetch (yellow)
Bird's-foot Violet (purple-blue)
Bird's-nest (white)
Birdfoot Deervetch (yellow)
Birdfoot Violet (purple-blue)
Birds-foot Trefoil (yellow)
Birdsfoot Trefoil (yellow)
Bishop's Cap (white)
Bishop's Goutweed (white)
Bishop's Weed (white)
Bitter Buttons (yellow)
Bitter Cress (white)
Bitter Milkwort (pink-red)
Bitter-cress (yellow)
Bitter-weed (green-yellow)
Bitter-weed (green-yellow)
Bitter-weed (white-yellow)
Bittersweet (purple)
Bittersweet Nightshade (purple)
Black Caps (white)
Black Chokecherry (white)
Black Locust (white)
Black Medic (yellow)
Black Medick (yellow)
Black Nightshade (white)
Black Raspberry (white)
Black-eyed Susan (yellow)
Black-fringe Bindweed (white)
Black-fruited Clearweed (green)
Black-root (white)
Black-seed Plantain (white)
Black-seeded Plantain (white)
Bladder Campion (white)
Bladder-pod (white-blue)
Bladdernut (white)
Bland Sweet Cicely (white)
Blisterwort (yellow)
Bloodroot (white)
Bloodwort (pink)
Bloomfell (yellow)
Blue Cardinal Flower (blue-purple)
Blue Cohosh (yellow-green)
Blue Daisy (blue-white)
Blue Dandelion (blue-white)
Blue Lobelia (blue-purple)
Blue Phlox (purple-pink)
Blue Ridge Carrion Flower (green)
Blue Sailors (blue-white)
Blue Showers (blue)
Blue Skullcap (purple-blue)
Blue Toadflax (blue-white)
Blue Verbena (blue)
Blue Vervain (blue)
Blue Weed (blue-white)
Blue Wood Aster (blue-purple)
Blue Wood Lettuce (white-blue)
Blue Wood Phlox (purple-pink)
Blue-bead lily (yellow)
Blue-fruited Dogwood (white)
Blue-jacket (white)
Bluebell (blue-purple)
Bluebell Bellflower (blue-purple)
Bluebells of Scotland (blue-purple)
Bluntleaf Sandwort (white)
Bog Clearweed (green)
Bog Onion (green)
Bog Yellow-cress (yellow)
Boneset (white)
Bottlebrush (white)
Bottlebrush Grass (white)
Bouncing Bet (white-pink)
Bouquet-violet (purple)
Bowman's-root (white)
Box Elder (yellow-green)
Boxelder (yellow-green)
Boxelder Maple (yellow-green)
Bracted Bindweed (white)
Bracted Vervain (pink-blue-purple)
Breaking Buckthorn (white)
Bristly Buttercup (yellow)
Bristly Buttercup (yellow)
Bristly Crowfoot (yellow)
Bristly Greenbrier (green)
Bristly Lady's Thumb (pink)
Broad-leaf Arrowhead (white)
Broad-leaved Goldenrod (yellow)
Broad-leaved Helleborine (yellow-green-pink)
Broad-leaved Plantain (white-green)
Broadleaf Enchanter's Nightshade (white)
Buckthorn (yellow-green)
Buffalo-weed (green-yellow)
Bugleweed (white)
Bull Thistle (purple)
Bur Cucumber (green-white)
Bur-Marigold (yellow)
Burdock (purple)
Burn-weed (white-yellow)
Bush Honeysuckle (yellow)
Bush-clover (white-red)
Butter-and-eggs (yellow-orange)
Butterfly Milkweed (orange)
Butterfly Stonecrop (red)
Butterfly-weed (orange)
Butterweed (white-yellow)
Calico Aster (white-yellow)
Canada Anemone (white)
Canada Bead-ruby (white)
Canada Columbine (red)
Canada Fleabane (white-yellow)
Canada Germander (white-purple)
Canada Goldenrod (yellow)
Canada Holly (white)
Canada Mayflower (white)
Canada Nettle (white-green)
Canada Thistle (purple)
Canada Toadflax (blue-white)
Canada lettuce (yellow)
Canada tickclover (pink-purple)
Canadian Anemone (white)
Canadian Columbine (red)
Canadian Germander (white-purple)
Canadian Goldenrod (yellow)
Canadian Honewort (white)
Canadian Horseweed (white-yellow)
Canadian Lily-of-the-valley (white)
Canadian May-lily (white)
Canadian Moonseed (white)
Canadian Thistle (purple)
Canadian Tick-trefoil (pink-purple)
Canadian Wild Ginger (red)
Canadian Wood Nettle (white-green)
Candle Anemone (white)
Cardinal Flower (red)
Carolina Larkspur (white)
Carolina Puccoon (yellow-orange)
Carolina Rose (pink-white)
Carpenter-weed (purple-white)
Carpetweed (white)
Carrion Flower (green)
Cat's Clover (yellow)
Cat's-foot (yellow-brown-white)
Cat-foot (yellow-brown-white)
Catchweed Bedstraw (white)
Catmint (white-purple)
Catnip (white-purple)
Catwort (white-purple)
Chicken-weed (white)
Chicory (blue-white)
Chigger-flower (orange)
Children's-bane (white)
China Jute (orange-yellow)
China Root (green)
Chinese Forget-me-not (blue)
Chinese Hound's Tongue (blue)
Choke Cherry (white)
Chokeberry (white)
Chokecherry (white)
Ciliate Willowherb (white-pink-purple)
Clammy Hedge-hyssop (white)
Clayton's Sweet-root (white)
Clearweed (green)
Cleavers (white)
Cleland's Evening Primrose (yellow)
Climbing Nightshade (purple)
Clinton's Lily (yellow)
Clintonia (yellow)
Clotbur (purple)
Cluster-leaf Tick-trefoil (pink-white)
Clustered Black Snakeroot (yellow-green)
Coast Willowweed (white-pink-purple)
Cocklebur (yellow)
Cocklebur (green)
Coffee-weed (blue-white)
Colic Root (yellow)
Columbine (red)
Common Agalinis (pink)
Common Arrowhead (white)
Common Asparagus (white)
Common Beggar-ticks (yellow)
Common Beggarticks (yellow)
Common Black Snakeroot (yellow-green)
Common Blackberry (white)
Common Blue Heart-leaved Aster (blue-purple)
Common Blue Violet (pink-red)
Common Blue Wood Aster (blue-purple)
Common Boneset (white)
Common Buckthorn (yellow-green)
Common Burdock (purple)
Common Carrion Flower (green)
Common Cat's Tail (white-brown)
Common Chickweed (white)
Common Chokecherry (white)
Common Cinquefoil (yellow)
Common Cocklebur (green)
Common Daisy (white)
Common Dandelion (yellow)
Common Dodder (white)
Common Elderberry (white)
Common Enchanter's-nightshade (white)
Common Evening Primrose (yellow)
Common False Foxglove (pink)
Common Flattopped Goldenrod (yellow)
Common Forget-me-not (blue)
Common Goldenrod (yellow)
Common Groundnut (pink-red)
Common Hemp-nettle (pink)
Common Ironweed (purple)
Common Jewelweed (yellow)
Common Knotweed (white-green)
Common Meadow Violet (pink-red)
Common Melilot (yellow)
Common Milkweed (pink-white)
Common Moonseed (white)
Common Motherwort (purple-pink)
Common Mouse-ear (white)
Common Mullein (yellow)
Common Nettle (white)
Common Ninebark (white)
Common Nipplewort (yellow)
Common Ox-eye (yellow)
Common Peppergrass (white)
Common Plantain (white-green)
Common Quick-weed (white)
Common Ragweed (green-yellow)
Common Selfheal (purple-white)
Common Serviceberry (white)
Common Sheep Sorrel (red)
Common Sneezeweed (yellow)
Common Soapwort (white-pink)
Common Sowthistle (yellow)
Common Spiderwort (white)
Common St. Johnswort (yellow)
Common Stitchwort (white)
Common Strawberry (white)
Common Sunflower (yellow)
Common Tansy (yellow)
Common Thistle (purple)
Common Toadflax (yellow-orange)
Common Water Hemlock (white)
Common Water-horehound (white-purple)
Common Waterhemp (brown-red)
Common Winterberry (white)
Common Yarrow (pink)
Common Yellow Oxalis (yellow-white)
Common Yellow-cress (yellow)
Compass Plant (yellow)
Coneflower (yellow)
Connate Beggarticks (yellow)
Convulsion-root (white)
Corn Lily (yellow)
Corn Mint (white-pink)
Corn Speedwell (blue)
Corspe-plant (white)
Cottenweed (white)
Cotton Weed (pink-white)
Cotton-weed (orange-yellow)
Cow Bitter (yellow)
Cow Clover (red)
Cow Grass (red)
Cow Tongue (yellow)
Cowslip (yellow)
Cranberry Viburnum (white)
Cranberrybush Viburnum (white)
Crane's-bill (pink)
Cream Pea (white)
Cream Pea-vine (white)
Cream Vetchling (white)
Cream White Indigo (yellow)
Cream Wild Indigo (yellow)
Creeping Bellflower (blue-purple)
Creeping Sowthistle (yellow)
Creeping Thistle (purple)
Creeping Vervain (pink-blue-purple)
Creeping-Charlie (purple-blue)
Crow Soap (white-pink)
Crown Vetch (pink-white)
Crown-weed (green-yellow)
Crownvetch (pink-white)
Cuckoo-button (purple)
Cudweed (yellow-white)
Culver's Root (white)
Culver's-physic (white)
Culver's-root (white)
Curled Dock (green-yellow-brown)
Curly Dock (green-yellow-brown)
Curly-top Knotweed (white)
Cushion Baby's-breath (pink-red)
Cut-leaf Coneflower (yellow)
Cut-leaved Toothwort (white)
Cutleaf (yellow)
Cutleaf Toothwort (white)
Daisy Fleabane (white-yellow)
Daisy Fleabane (white)
Damask Violet (pink)
Dame's Rocket (pink)
Dame's Violet (pink)
Dandelion (yellow)
Deadly Nightshade (purple)
Declined Trillium (white)
Deer Tongue (white)
Deer-wort (white)
Deptford Pink (pink)
Desert Goosefoot (green)
Devil's Beggar-ticks (yellow)
Devil's Beggarticks (yellow)
Devil's Darning Needle (white)
Devil's Hair (white)
Devil's-grip (white)
Devil's-paintbrush (orange)
Devil's-plague (white)
Devil's-vine (white)
Disc Water-hyssop (white)
Discoid Beggarticks (yellow)
Ditch Stonecrop (white)
Dock-leaved Smartweed (white)
Dog Fennel (white)
Dog's-tooth Violet (white)
Doll's-eyes (white)
Doorweed (white-green)
Dotted Horsemint (yellow)
Dotted Mint (yellow)
Downy Gentian (blue)
Downy Juneberry (white)
Downy Serviceberry (white)
Downy Shadbush (white)
Downy Yellow Violet (yellow)
Dragon-root (green)
Dragon-root (green-yellow)
Drooping Trillium (white)
Drummond's Aster (blue-purple-white)
Duck Potato (white)
Dutch White (white)
Dutchman's Breeches (white)
Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle (yellow)
Dwarf Prairie Rose (pink)
Dyer's-weed Goldenrod (yellow)
Early Figwort (brown-red-green)
Early Low Blueberry (white)
Early Meadow Rue (white-green)
Early Meadow-rue (white-green)
Early Wild Rose (pink-red)
Earth-apple (yellow)
Eastern Black Currant (white)
Eastern Black Nightshade (white)
Eastern Bottlebrush Grass (white)
Eastern Chokecherry (white)
Eastern Daisy Fleabane (white)
Eastern Hop-hornbeam (brown-green)
Eastern Panicled Aster (white)
Eastern Rabbit-tobacco (yellow-brown-white)
Eastern Red Columbine (red)
Eastern Skunk Cabbage (brown-red)
Eastern Waterleaf (white)
Elderberry (white)
Elm-leaf Goldenrod (yellow)
Elm-leaved Goldenrod (yellow)
Emetic-weed (white-blue)
Enchanter's Nightshade (white)
European Alder Buckthorn (white)
European Bellflower (blue-purple)
European Buckthorn (yellow-green)
European Buckthorn (white)
European Cranberrybush (white)
European Lily-of-the-valley (white)
European Nettle (white)
European Red Elderberry (white)
Evening Primrose (yellow)
False Acacia (white)
False Dragonhead (pink)
False Foxglove (white-pink)
False Lily-of-the-valley (white)
False Nettle (green-white)
False Pimpernel (white-blue-purple)
False Rue Anemone (white)
False Sarsaparilla (white)
False Solomon's Seal (white)
False Spikenard (white)
False Sunflower (yellow)
Fan-weed (white)
Fat Hen (green)
Feathery False Lily of the Valley (white)
Feverweed (white)
Few-bracted Beggar-ticks (yellow)
Few-leaf Sunflower (yellow)
Few-leaved Sunflower (yellow)
Field Balm (white-purple)
Field Daisy (white)
Field Goldenrod (yellow)
Field Mint (white-pink)
Field Pennycress (white)
Field Sorrel (red)
Field Sowthistle (yellow)
Field Thistle (pink)
Field Thistle (purple)
Field-primrose (yellow)
Figwort (brown-red-green)
Finger Coreopsis (yellow)
Finger Tickseed (yellow)
Fireweed (white-yellow)
Fistulous Goat's-beard (yellow)
Five-parted Toothwort (white)
Flannel Plant (yellow)
Flat-top Goldentop (yellow)
Flax-weed (yellow-orange)
Flowering Spurge (white)
Fodder Vetch (purple)
Forest Phlox (purple-pink)
Forget-me-not (blue)
Foxglove Beard-tongue (white-pink)
Foxglove Beardtongue (white-pink)
Foxtail Barley (white-green)
Fragrant Bedstraw (white-green)
Fragrant Cudweed (yellow-brown-white)
Fragrant Sumac (yellow-green)
French-weed (white)
French-weed (white)
Fringed Black Bindweed (white)
Fringed Black-bindweed (white)
Fringed Loosestrife (yellow)
Fringed Quickweed (white)
Fringed Willowherb (white-pink-purple)
Frost Aster (white)
Frost Grape (green)
Galinsoga (white)
Garden Asparagus (white)
Garden Balsam (white-yellow)
Garden Yellow-rocket (yellow)
Garlic Mustard (white)
German Rampion (yellow)
Germander (white-purple)
Ghost Pipe (white)
Giant Chickweed (white)
Giant Goldenrod (yellow)
Giant Mullein (yellow)
Giant Ragweed (green-yellow)
Giant Solomon's-seal (green-yellow)
Giant Sunflower (yellow)
Gill-over-the-ground (purple-blue)
Girasole (yellow)
Glaucous Bristle Grass (yellow)
Glaucous Honeysuckle (red)
Globular Coneflower (yellow)
Glossy Buckthorn (white)
Glumeless wlldrye (white)
Goat's Rue (yellow-red)
Goat's-rue (yellow-red)
Goat-weed (yellow)
Goblet Aster (white-yellow)
Golden Buttons (yellow)
Golden Cassia (yellow)
Golden Glow (yellow)
Goose Plum (white-red)
Goose-grass (white)
Goosefoot (green)
Goutweed (white)
Goutwort (white)
Grass Pink (pink)
Grass-leaved Goldenrod (yellow)
Grass-like Starwort (white)
Grassy Stitchwort (white)
Gravel-root (pink-purple)
Gray Goldenrod (yellow)
Gray-headed Coneflower (yellow)
Great Bindweed (white)
Great Blue Lobelia (blue-purple)
Great Lobelia (blue-purple)
Great Mullein (yellow)
Great Plantain (white-green)
Great Ragweed (green-yellow)
Great Solomon's-seal (green-yellow)
Greater Sand Goat's-beard (yellow)
Green Bristle Grass (green)
Green Carpetweed (white)
Green Dragon (green-yellow)
Green Foxtail (green)
Green Milkweed (green)
Green Osier (white)
Green-flowered Milkweed (green)
Green-headed Coneflower (yellow)
Grim-the-collier (orange)
Grooved Agrimony (yellow)
Grooved Yellow Flax (yellow)
Ground Elder (white)
Ground Honeysuckle (yellow)
Ground Ivy (purple-blue)
Ground Laurel (white)
Groundnut (pink-red)
Grove Sandwort (white)
Guelder-rose (white)
Gut-weed (yellow)
Hairy Aster (white)
Hairy Carrion Flower (green)
Hairy Coneflower (yellow)
Hairy Four O'clock (white)
Hairy Galinsoga (white)
Hairy Hawkweed (yellow)
Hairy Heart-leaved Aster (blue-purple-white)
Hairy Piney-woods Goldenrod (yellow)
Hairy Puccoon (yellow-orange)
Hairy Sweet Cicely (white)
Hairy Vetch (purple)
Hairy White Oldfield Aster (white)
Hairy Willowherb (white-pink-purple)
Hare's-foot Clover (white-pink)
Harebell (blue-purple)
Hawk's-beard (yellow)
Head's Grass (white-brown)
Healall (purple-white)
Heart's-ease (white)
Heart-leaved Aster (blue-purple)
Heartleaf Aster (blue-purple)
Heartsease (pink)
Heath Aster (white)
Hedge Bindweed (white)
Hedgebell (white)
Helleborine (yellow-green-pink)
Helleborine Orchid (yellow-green-pink)
Hellfetter (green)
Hemlock Water Parsnip (white)
High Bush Cranberry (white)
Hillside Strawberry (white)
Hispid Buttercup (yellow)
Hoary Alyssum (white)
Hoary Cinquefoil (yellow)
Hoary False Madwort (white)
Hoary Frostweed (yellow)
Hoary Puccoon (yellow)
Hoary Tick-trefoil (pink-purple)
Hoary Verbena (purple)
Hoary Vervain (purple)
Hog Peanut (white)
Hog Plum (white-red)
Hogweed (white-yellow)
Hogweed (green-yellow)
Honewort (white)
Honey-clover (white)
Honeysuckle Tatarian (pink-red)
Hooked Buttercup (yellow)
Hooked Crowfoot (yellow)
Hop Hornbeam (brown-green)
Hop-clover (yellow)
Horse Chestnut (white)
Horse-cane (green-yellow)
Horsemint (yellow)
Horseweed (green-yellow)
Horseweed (white-yellow)
Hound's Tongue (blue)
Hubam (white)
Hubam Clover (white)
Hybrid Clover (white-pink)
Ice Plant (red)
Illinois Carrion Flower (white-green)
Illinois Greenbrier (white-green)
Indian Chickweed (white)
Indian Grass (brown-yellow)
Indian Hemp (orange-yellow)
Indian Mallow (orange-yellow)
Indian Paintbrush (orange)
Indian Pink (red)
Indian Pipe (white)
Indian Potato (pink-red)
Indian Sanicle (white)
Indian Tobacco (white-blue)
Indian Turnip (green)
Indian-paint (yellow)
Indian-salad (white)
Ironwood (brown-green)
Jack-in-the-pulpit (green)
Japanese Barberry (yellow-red)
Japanese Mint (white-pink)
Jerusalem Artichoke (yellow)
Jerusalem-artichoke (yellow)
Jewelweed (yellow)
Jewelweed (yellow)
Joe-Pye Weed (pink-purple)
John's-cabbage (white)
Jumpseed (white)
Kidney-leaf (yellow)
Kidney-leaf Buttercup (yellow)
Kidney-vine (white)
King Solomon's-seal (green-yellow)
King's-cup (yellow)
King-devil (orange)
Klamath-weed (yellow)
Knob-styled Dogwood (white)
Knotgrass (white-green)
Lacerate Blazing-star (pink)
Ladino (white)
Ladino Clover (white)
Lady's Leek (pink)
Lady's-earrings (yellow)
Lady's-thumb (pink)
Lamb's Quarters (green)
Lamb's-quarters (green)
Lance-leaf Arrowhead (white)
Lance-leaf Figwort (brown-red-green)
Lance-leaf Loosestrife (yellow)
Lance-leaf Sagittaria (white)
Lance-leaved Goldenrod (yellow)
Lance-leaved Ground Cherry (yellow)
Lance-leaved Loosestrife (yellow)
Lance-leaved Panicled Aster (white)
Large Beardtongue (pink)
Large Bellwort (yellow)
Large False Solomon's-seal (white)
Large Russian Vetch (purple)
Large-flowered Beard-tongue (pink)
Large-flowered Bellwort (yellow)
Large-flowered Hemp-nettle (pink)
Large-flowered Penstemon (pink)
Large-leaved Aster (white)
Large-leaved wild indigo (white)
Late Goldenrod (yellow)
Late Goldenrod (yellow)
Late Sweet Blueberry (white)
Lawn Prunella (purple-white)
Lead Plant (purple-blue)
Leadplant (purple-blue)
Leaf-cup (white)
Leafcup (white)
Leafy Beggarticks (yellow)
Lemon Sumac (yellow-green)
Lesser Burdock (purple)
Lesser Clearweed (green)
Lesser Starwort (white)
Lesser Stitchwort (white)
Leverwood (brown-green)
Life-of-man (white)
Lilac Penstemon (purple)
Lily of the Valley (white)
Lily-of-the-valley (white)
Limber Honeysuckle (red)
Lion's Foot (purple-white-brown)
Lion's-ear (purple-pink)
Lion's-tail (purple-pink)
Little Bellwort (yellow)
Little Starwort (white)
Little-leaf Buttercup (yellow)
Liverleaf (purple)
Liverwort (purple)
Lobelia (white-blue)
Locust-weed (yellow)
Long-beaked Sedge (white-yellow)
Long-bearded Hawkweed (yellow)
Long-bracted Wild Indigo (yellow)
Long-bristled Smartweed (pink)
Long-fruited Thimbleweed (white)
Long-haired Hawkweed (yellow)
Long-headed Anemone (white)
Long-headed Thimbleweed (white)
Long-leaf Bluets (white-pink)
Long-plumed Purple Avens (red-white)
Long-stalked Sedge (white)
Long-styled Anise-root (white)
Long-styled Sweet cicely (white)
Long-styled Sweet-root (white)
Longleaf Summer Bluet (white-pink)
Longroot Smartweed (pink)
Loosestrife (yellow)
Lopseed (white-pink)
Louisiana Sage-wort (yellow-white)
Louisiana Sagebrush (yellow-white)
Louisiana Wormwood (yellow-white)
Low Baby's Breath (pink-red)
Low Baby's-breath (pink-red)
Low Blueberry (white)
Low Bush Honeysuckle (yellow)
Low Cudweed (brown)
Low False Pimpernel (white-blue-purple)
Low Sweet Blueberry (white)
Low-bush Blueberry (white)
Lowbush Blueberry (white)
Lyrate Rock-cress (white)
Lyre-leaved Rock Cress (white)
Mad-dog Skullcap (purple-blue)
Manitoba Maple (yellow-green)
Marguerite (white)
Marsh Cudweed (brown)
Marsh Marigold (yellow)
Marsh Waterpepper (white)
Marsh Yellow Cress (yellow)
Marsh-cress (yellow)
Marsh-marigold (yellow)
Marsh-pepper Smartweed (white)
Matted Pearlwort (white)
May-blob (yellow)
Mayflower (white)
Mayweed (white)
Mayweed (green-yellow)
Meadow Anemone (white)
Meadow Cat's-tail (white-brown)
Meadow Clover (red)
Meadow Roae (pink-red)
Meadow Violet (pink-red)
Meadow-bright (yellow)
Meal-weed (green)
Melilot (white)
Melist (yellow)
Milfoil (pink)
Milk Purslane (white)
Milk Thistle (yellow)
Milkweed (pink-white)
Milky white indigo (white)
Mirasol (yellow)
Missouri Gooseberry (white)
Miterwort (white)
Mithridate Mustard (white)
Moist Bank Pimpernel (white-blue-purple)
Monkey Flower (blue-purple)
Morrow's Honeysuckle (white)
Mother-of-the-evening (pink)
Motherwort (purple-pink)
Mountain Honeysuckle (red)
Mountain Strawberry (white)
Mountain Timothy (white-brown)
Mouse-ear Chickweed (white)
Muguet (white)
Mullein (yellow)
Muskrat-weed (white)
Naked-stemmed Sunflower (yellow)
Nannyberry (white)
Narrow-leaf Goosefoot (green)
Narrow-leaf Hawkweed (yellow)
Narrow-leaf Spring Beauty (pink)
Narrow-leaved Goosefoot (green)
Narrow-leaved Hawk's-beard (yellow)
Narrow-leaved Hawkweed (yellow)
Narrowleaf Hawksbeard (yellow)
Neckweed (white)
Nettle-leaved Vervain (white)
New Zealand White (white)
Night-scented Gilliflower (pink)
Nightcaps (white)
Ninebark (white)
Nipplewort (yellow)
Nodding Beggarticks (yellow)
Nodding Bur-Marigold (yellow)
Nodding Onion (pink)
Nodding Smartweed (white)
Nodding Trillium (white)
Nodding Wake-robin (white)
Nodding Wild Onion (pink)
Nonesuch Clover (yellow)
Northern Bedstraw (white)
Northern Bugleweed (white)
Northern Bush Honeysuckle (yellow)
Northern Catalpa (white)
Northern Hawkweed (yellow)
Northern Three-lobed Bedstraw (white)
Northern Water-horehound (white)
Norwegian Cinquefoil (yellow)
Nose-bleed (pink)
Obedience (pink)
Obedient Plant (pink)
Ohio Buckeye (yellow-green)
Ohio Spiderwort (white)
Old Man's Whiskers (red-white)
Old Man's Night Cap (white)
Old-field Cinquefoil (yellow)
Old-field Clover (white-pink)
Old-field Cudweed (yellow-brown-white)
Old-field Five-fingers (yellow)
Old-field Goldenrod (yellow)
Old-field Toadflax (blue-white)
Old-field-balsam (yellow-brown-white)
Oneseed Bur Cucumber (green-white)
Orange Hawkweed (orange)
Orange Jewelweed (yellow)
Orange Milkweed (orange)
Orange Touch-me-not (yellow)
Orange-paintbrush (orange)
Orange-root (orange)
Oriental Lady's-thumb (pink)
Oriental Spindle-tree (yellow-green)
Ox-eye (yellow)
Ox-eye Daisy (white)
Pagoda Dogwood (white)
Pale Jewelweed (yellow)
Pale Persicaria (white)
Pale Smartweed (white)
Pale Touch-me-not (yellow)
Pale Umbrella-wort (white)
Pale Vetchling (white)
Pale-flowered Leaf-cup (white)
Pale-leaved Woodland Sunflower (yellow)
Pale-snapdragon (yellow)
Panicled Aster (white)
Panicled Aster (white)
Pappoose-root (yellow-green)
Parlin's Pussytoes (white)
Parsnip (yellow)
Partridge Pea (yellow)
Pasture Rose (pink-white)
Pasture Thistle (pink)
Pennsylvania Bittercress (white)
Pennsylvania Buttercup (yellow)
Pennsylvania Knotweed (white-pink)
Pennsylvania Pellitory (green)
Pennsylvania Smartweed (white-pink)
Perennial Sowthistle (yellow)
Perennial Thistle (purple)
Peruvian-daisy (white)
Petty-morel (white)
Piemarker (orange-yellow)
Pigeon Grass (yellow)
Pigweed (green)
Pilewort (white-yellow)
Pinkweed (white-pink)
Pitchforks (yellow)
Plainleaf Pussytoes (white)
Plains Frostweed (yellow)
Plains Larkspur (white)
Plains Puccoon (yellow-orange)
Plains Wild Indigo (yellow)
Plantain (white-green)
Plantain Pussy-toes (white)
Pleurisy-root (orange)
Pointed Tick-trefoil (pink-white)
Pointed-leaf Tick-trefoil (pink-white)
Pointed-leaved Tick-trefoil (pink-white)
Poison Milkweed (white)
Poisonous Nightshade (purple)
Polecat Weed (brown-red)
Polecat-bush (yellow-green)
Poor Man's Pepper Grass (white)
Poor-man's Pepperweed (white)
Poor-man's-pepper (white)
Poorland-flower (white)
Poorman's Pepperwort (white)
Pot-herb (yellow)
Potato-bean (pink-red)
Prairie Alumroot (green-white)
Prairie Blazing Star (pink-red)
Prairie Blue-eyed Grass (white)
Prairie Buttercup (yellow)
Prairie Cinquefoil (white)
Prairie Coreopsis (yellow)
Prairie Crowfoot (yellow)
Prairie Fleabane (white-yellow)
Prairie Gentian (blue)
Prairie Hawkweed (yellow)
Prairie Heart-leaved Aster (blue-purple)
Prairie Ironweed (purple)
Prairie Larkspur (white)
Prairie Loosestrife (yellow)
Prairie Rose (pink)
Prairie Shoestring (purple-blue)
Prairie Smoke (red-white)
Prairie Spiderwort (purple)
Prairie Thistle (pink)
Prairie Tickseed (yellow)
Prairie Wild Rose (pink)
Pretty Bedstraw (white)
Prickly Lettuce (yellow)
Prickly Thistle (purple)
Procumbent Pearlwort (white)
Prostrate Knotweed (white-green)
Prostrate Spurge (white)
Prostrate Vervain (pink-blue-purple)
Puccoon (yellow-orange)
Puke-weed (white-blue)
Purple Bell (blue-purple)
Purple Clover (red)
Purple Crown-vetch (pink-white)
Purple Loosestrife (purple)
Purple Lythrum (purple)
Purple Meadow-rue (white)
Purple Milkwort (pink-red)
Purple Prairie Clover (purple)
Purple Prairie-clover (purple)
Purple Vetch (purple)
Purple Violet (pink-red)
Purple-Leaved Willow-Herb (white-pink-purple)
Purple-stem Beggarticks (yellow)
Purslane Speedwell (white)
Queen Anne's Lace (white)
Queen's Gilliflower (pink)
Queen's-lace (white)
Quicksilver-weed (white-green)
Quickweed (white)
Rabbit-foot Clover (white-pink)
Rabbit-pea (yellow-red)
Rabbit-tobacco (yellow-brown-white)
Racemed Milkwort (pink-red)
Ragweed (green-yellow)
Rampion Bellflower (blue-purple)
Ramsted (yellow-orange)
Rattlesnake Root (purple-white-brown)
Red Baneberry (white)
Red Barberry (yellow-red)
Red Chokecherry (white)
Red Clover (red)
Red Columbine (red)
Red Daisy (orange)
Red Elderberry (white)
Red Honeysuckle (red)
Red Maple (red)
Red Sorrel (red)
Red-berried Elder (white)
Red-puccoon (white)
Red-stalked Plantain (white)
Red-willow (white)
Redroot (white)
Rheumatism Root (yellow)
Richardson's Alumroot (green-white)
Rigid Goldenrod (yellow)
Riverbank Grape (green)
Roadside Agrimony (yellow)
Rock Cress (white)
Rock-rose (yellow)
Rocket (pink)
Rocket-cress (yellow)
Rose Balsam (white-yellow)
Rose Milkflower (red)
Rose Milkweed (red)
Rosin-rose (yellow)
Rough Bedstraw (white)
Rough Blazingstar (pink)
Rough Buttercup (yellow)
Rough Cinquefoil (yellow)
Rough Cocklebur (green)
Rough Crowfoot (yellow)
Rough Daisy Fleabane (white-yellow)
Rough Fleabane (white-yellow)
Rough Hawkweed (yellow)
Rough-fruited Amaranth (brown-red)
Rough-fruited Cinquefoil (yellow)
Rough-fruited Waterhemp (brown-red)
Rough-leaved Sunflower (yellow)
Round Leaf Water-hyssop (white)
Round-head Bush-clover (white-red)
Round-headed Bush Clover (white-red)
Round-headed Lespedeza (white-red)
Round-lobed Hepatica (purple)
Rover Bellflower (blue-purple)
Rugel's Plantain (white)
Runaway-robin (purple-blue)
Rydberg's Poison Ivy (white-green)
Sand Cress (white)
Sand Evening Primrose (yellow)
Sanguinary (pink)
Scaldweed (white)
Scarlet Elderberry (white)
Self-heal (purple-white)
Selfheal (purple-white)
Serpent's Tongue (white)
Sessile Bellwort (yellow)
Sessile-leaf Bellwort (yellow)
Sessile-leaved Bellwort (yellow)
Shaggy Soldier (white)
Sharped-leaved Tick-trefoil (pink-white)
Shawnee-salad (white)
Sheep Sorrel (yellow-white)
Sheep Sorrel (red)
Sheepberry (white)
Shell-leaf Beardtongue (pink)
Shepherd's Purse (white)
Shining Bedstraw (white)
Short Green Milkweed (green)
Short Ragweed (green-yellow)
Short's Rock-cress (white)
Showy Goldenrod (yellow)
Showy Partridge-Pea (yellow)
Showy Stonecrop (red)
Showy Tick-trefoil (pink-purple)
Siberian Squill (blue)
Side-flowering Aster (white-yellow)
Silkweed (pink-white)
Silky Dogwood (white)
Silky Swallowwort (pink-white)
Silver Cinquefoil (yellow)
Silver Sage (yellow-white)
Silver Wormwood (yellow-white)
Silvery Cinquefoil (yellow)
Silvery Five-fingers (yellow)
Simpler's-joy (blue)
Skunk Cabbage (brown-red)
Sky Blue Aster (blue-purple)
Sky-blue Aster (blue-purple)
Sleeping-plant (yellow)
Slender Agalinis (pink)
Slender Beard-tongue (purple)
Slender Beardtongue (purple)
Slender Bugleweed (white)
Slender False Foxglove (pink)
Slender Gerardia (pink)
Slender Nettle (white)
Slender Penstemon (purple)
Slender White Prairie-clover (white)
Slender-leaved False Foxglove (pink)
Slenderleaf False Foxglove (pink)
Small Balsam (yellow)
Small Bedstraw (white)
Small Jack-in-the-pulpit (green)
Small Tumbleweed Mustard (yellow)
Small-Flowered Crowfoot (yellow)
Small-flower Crowfoot (yellow)
Small-flowered Buttercup (yellow)
Small-flowered Leaf-cup (white)
Small-flowered Thistle (purple)
Small-flowered Touch-me-not (yellow)
Small-spike False Nettle (green-white)
Smaller Bur-Marigold (yellow)
Smaller Burdock (purple)
Smooth Aster (blue-purple)
Smooth Bank-cress (white)
Smooth Blue Aster (blue-purple)
Smooth Goldenrod (yellow)
Smooth Ironweed (purple)
Smooth Loosestrife (yellow)
Smooth Oxeye (yellow)
Smooth Rock Cress (white)
Smooth Rock-cress (white)
Smooth Rose (pink-red)
Smooth Solomon's Seal (green-yellow)
Smooth Spiderwort (white)
Smooth Sweet Cicely (white)
Smooth Wild Rose (pink-red)
Smooth Yellow Violet (yellow)
Smooth-leaved Aster (blue-purple)
Smooth-leaved Honeysuckle (red)
Snakeberry (yellow)
Snakeberry (white)
Snakehead (white)
Snakeroot (red)
Sneezeweed (yellow)
Snow-on-the-mountain (white)
Soapweed (white-pink)
Soapwort (white-pink)
Solomon's-plume (white)
Solomon's-seal (green-yellow)
Sorrel (red)
Sour Dock (green-yellow-brown)
Sour Dock (red)
Sourgrass (yellow-white)
Southern Three-lobed Bedstraw (white)
Sow-teat Blackberry (white)
Sowthistle (yellow)
Spear Thistle (purple)
Spiderwort (white)
Spiderwort (purple)
Spiked Loosestrife (purple)
Spikenard (white)
Split-lip Hemp-nettle (pink)
Spotted Bee Balm (yellow)
Spotted Beebalm (yellow)
Spotted Cowbane (white)
Spotted Crane's-bill (pink)
Spotted Geranium (pink)
Spotted Horsemint (yellow)
Spotted Jewelweed (yellow)
Spotted Joe-Pye Weed (pink-purple)
Spotted Knapweed (pink-purple-white)
Spotted Ladysthumb (pink)
Spotted Parsley (white)
Spotted Sandmat (white)
Spotted Snap-weed (yellow)
Spotted Snapweed (white-yellow)
Spotted Spurge (white)
Spotted St. John's-wort (yellow)
Spotted Touch-me-not (yellow)
Spotted Water Hemlock (white)
Sprengel's Sedge (white-yellow)
Spring Beauty (pink)
Square-stemmed Monkey-flower (blue-purple)
Squarrose White Aster (white)
Squirrel-tail Barley (white-green)
Squirrel-tail Grass (white-green)
St. John's-wort (yellow)
Stagger Wort (yellow)
Staghorn Sumac (red)
Star-cucumber (green-white)
Starflower (white)
Starweed (white)
Starwort (white)
Stickseed (white-blue)
Sticktight (white-blue)
Sticky Hawkweed (yellow)
Sticky-willy (white)
Stiff Bedstraw (white)
Stiff Coreopsis (yellow)
Stiff Goldenrod (yellow)
Stiff Marsh Bedstraw (white)
Stiff Tickseed (yellow)
Stinging Nettle (white)
Stinking Chamomile (white)
Stinking Cotula (white)
Stinkweed (white)
Stone Clover (white-pink)
Straw-lily (yellow)
Strawberry-weed (yellow)
Succory (blue-white)
Sulphur Cinquefoil (yellow)
Sulphur Five-fingers (yellow)
Sunchoke (yellow)
Sunflower (yellow)
Sunflower Heliopsis (yellow)
Sunflower-everlasting (yellow)
Sunshine Rose (pink)
Swamp Beggar-ticks (yellow)
Swamp Beggarticks (yellow)
Swamp Buttercup (yellow)
Swamp Cabbage (brown-red)
Swamp Dodder (white)
Swamp Jack-in-the-pulpit (green)
Swamp Maple (red)
Swamp Milkweed (red)
Swamp Silkweed (red)
Swamp Smartweed (pink)
Swamp Sunflower (yellow)
Swamp Sunflower (yellow)
Swamp Verbena (blue)
Sweating-plant (white)
Swedish Clover (white-pink)
Sweet Cicely (white)
Sweet Elder (white)
Sweet Everlasting (yellow-brown-white)
Sweet Jarvil (white)
Sweet Ox-eye (yellow)
Sweet Rocket (pink)
Sweet Viburnum (white)
Sweet-Scented Bedstraw (white-green)
Sweet-flag (yellow-brown)
Sweet-hurts (white)
Sweet-scabious (white)
Sweet-scented Sumac (yellow-green)
Swollen Sunflower (yellow)
Tall Anemone (white)
Tall Beard-tongue (white-pink)
Tall Beggar's Ticks (yellow)
Tall Beggar-ticks (yellow)
Tall Beggarticks (yellow)
Tall Bellflower (blue)
Tall Blazingstar (pink)
Tall Blue Lettuce (white-blue)
Tall Cinquefoil (white)
Tall Coneflower (yellow)
Tall Five-finger (yellow)
Tall Gayfeather (pink)
Tall Goldenrod (yellow)
Tall Goldenrod (yellow)
Tall Goldenrod (yellow)
Tall Hedge Mustard (yellow)
Tall Lettuce (yellow)
Tall Meadow Rue (white)
Tall Meadow-rue (white)
Tall Nettle (white)
Tall Potentilla (white)
Tall Sunflower (yellow)
Tall Thimbleweed (white)
Tall Vervain (purple)
Tall Water-hemp (brown-red)
Tall White Aster (white)
Tall White Beard-tongue (white-pink)
Tall Wild Lettuce (yellow)
Tall Wood-sorrel (yellow-white)
Tansy (yellow)
Tartarian Honeysuckle (pink-red)
Thick-leaved Wild Strawberry (white)
Thick-spike Blazing-star (pink-red)
Thick-spike Gay-feather (pink-red)
Thimbleberry (white)
Thimbleweed (white)
Thimbleweed (white)
Thin-leaved Wild Strawberry (white)
Thoroughwort (white)
Thousand-leaf (pink)
Thousand-seal (pink)
Three-petal Bedstraw (white)
Three-sisters (red-white)
Thunberg's Barberry (yellow-red)
Thyme-leaf Speedwell (white-purple)
Thyme-leaved Speedwell (white-purple)
Tick-trefoil (pink-purple)
Timothy (white-brown)
Timothy-grass (white-brown)
Tipton's-weed (yellow)
Toad Sorrel (yellow-white)
Toothed Cress (white)
Toothed Rock Cress (white)
Torchflower (red-white)
Touch-Me-Not (white-yellow)
Trailing Arbutus (white)
Tramp's Spurge (white)
Treacle Mustard (yellow)
Tree-clover (white)
Tree-primrose (yellow)
Trout Lily (white)
True Forget-me-not (blue)
Tuber-root (orange)
Tubercled Amaranth (brown-red)
Turkey-foot (purple)
Turtlehead (white)
Twining Honeysuckle (red)
Two-leaf Miterwort (white)
Two-leaf Solomon's-seal (white)
Upright Carrion Flower (green)
Upright Cinquefoil (yellow)
Velvet Leaf (orange-yellow)
Velvet Sumac (red)
Velvet-plant (yellow)
Velvetleaf (orange-yellow)
Velvetweed (orange-yellow)
Violet Prairie-clover (purple)
Virgin's Bower (white)
Virginia Bugleweed (white)
Virginia Ground Cherry (yellow)
Virginia Knotweed (white)
Virginia Peppercress (white)
Virginia Peppergrass (white)
Virginia Smartweed (white)
Virginia Spring Beauty (pink)
Virginia Stickseed (white-blue)
Virginia Strawberry (white)
Virginia Sumac (red)
Virginia Tephrosia (yellow-red)
Virginia Virgin's Bower (white)
Virginia Water-horehound (white)
Virginia Waterleaf (white)
Virginia pepper-weed (white)
Virginia-silk (pink-white)
Wall Speedwell (blue)
Wallflower Mustard (yellow)
Wapato (white)
Wart-weed (white)
Water Chickweed (white)
Water Forget-me-not (blue)
Water Heart's-ease (pink)
Water Hemlock (white)
Water Knotweed (pink)
Water Maple (red)
Water Parsnip (white)
Water Scorpion Grass (blue)
Water Smartweed (pink)
Water-hyssop (white)
Water-parsnip (white)
Waterpepper (white)
West Indian Nightshade (white)
Western Beggarticks (yellow)
Western Chokecherry (white)
Western Goat's Beard (yellow)
Western Mugwort (yellow-white)
Western Poison Ivy (white-green)
Western Salsify (yellow)
Western Spiderwort (purple)
Western Sunflower (yellow)
Whip-poor-will Flower (white)
White Arrowleaf Aster (white-yellow)
White Avens (white)
White Baneberry (white)
White Campion (white)
White Chervil (white)
White Clover (white)
White Cockle (white)
White Daisy (white)
White Dog-tooth Violet (white)
White False Indigo (white)
White Fawnlily (white)
White Field Aster (white)
White Four-o'clock (white)
White Goosefoot (green)
White Heath Aster (white)
White Larkspur (white)
White Lettuce (purple-white-brown)
White Melilot (white)
White Old-field Aster (white)
White Panicled Aster (white)
White Pea (white)
White Prairie Aster (white)
White Prairie Clover (white)
White Rattlesnake-root (purple-white-brown)
White Sage (yellow-white)
White Sanicle (white)
White Snakeroot (white)
White Sweet Clover (white)
White Sweetclover (white)
White Trout Lily (white)
White Turtlehead (white)
White Verbena (white)
White Vervain (white)
White Wild Indigo (white)
White-flowered Leaf-cup (white)
White-flowered Milkweed (white)
White-top (white)
White-top (white-yellow)
White-weed (white)
Whiteflower Leafcup (white)
Whitten tree (white)
Whorled Carpetweed (white)
Whorled Loosestrife (yellow)
Whorled Yellow Loosestrife (yellow)
Wild Asparagus (white)
Wild Bean (pink-red)
Wild Bergamot (pink-purple-white)
Wild Black Currant (white)
Wild Black Raspberry (white)
Wild Blue Phlox (purple-pink)
Wild Carrot (white)
Wild Chervil (white)
Wild Clover (red)
Wild Columbine (red)
Wild Columbine (red)
Wild Comfrey (white-blue)
Wild Geranium (pink)
Wild Ginger (red)
Wild Golden Glow (yellow)
Wild Gooseberry (white)
Wild Grape (green)
Wild Hemp (green-yellow)
Wild Honeysuckle (red)
Wild Larkspur (white)
Wild Lettuce (yellow)
Wild Lily-of-the-valley (white)
Wild Mint (white-pink)
Wild Morning Glory (white)
Wild Onion (pink)
Wild Parsnip (yellow)
Wild Plum (white-red)
Wild Prairie Rose (pink)
Wild Rose (pink-red)
Wild Rose (pink)
Wild Sarsaparilla (white)
Wild Strawberry (white)
Wild Strawberry (white)
Wild Sunflower (yellow)
Wild Sweet-William (purple-pink)
Wild Turnip (green)
Wild Verbena (pink-blue-purple)
Wild Yam (yellow)
Wild-oats (yellow)
Willow Weed (white)
Winged Burning-bush (yellow-green)
Winged Euonymus (yellow-green)
Winged Spindle-tree (yellow-green)
Winter Cress (yellow)
Winter Vetch (purple)
Winterberry (white)
Winterberry Holly (white)
Witloof (blue-white)
Wood Anemone (white)
Wood Nettle (white-green)
Wood Sage (white-purple)
Wood Sandwort (white)
Wood Strawberry (white)
Wood Violet (pink-red)
Woodbine (white)
Woodland Agrimony (yellow)
Woodland Grooveburr (yellow)
Woodland Knotweed (white)
Woodland Lettuce (white-blue)
Woodland Phlox (purple-pink)
Woodland Strawberry (white)
Woodland Sunflower (yellow)
Woodland Sunflower (yellow)
Woolly Blue Violet (pink-red)
Woolly Mullein (yellow)
Woolly Plantain (white)
Woolly Sweet Cicely (white)
Woolly Verbena (purple)
Worm-seed Mustard (yellow)
Wormseed Mustard (yellow)
Wormseed Wallflower (yellow)
Yam Root (yellow)
Yarrow (pink)
Yellow Beadlily (yellow)
Yellow Bluebeadlily (yellow)
Yellow Bristle Grass (yellow)
Yellow Coneflower (yellow)
Yellow Dock (green-yellow-brown)
Yellow Forest Violet (yellow)
Yellow Foxtail (yellow)
Yellow Goat's Beard (yellow)
Yellow Indian Grass (brown-yellow)
Yellow Jewelweed (yellow)
Yellow Marsh-marigold (yellow)
Yellow Melilot (yellow)
Yellow Parilla (white)
Yellow Rocketcress (yellow)
Yellow Salsify (yellow)
Yellow Sweet Clover (yellow)
Yellow Toadflax (yellow-orange)
Yellow Touch-me-not (yellow)
Yellow Trefoil (yellow)
Yellow Violet (yellow)
Yellow Wood Sorrel (yellow-white)
Yellow Woodsorrel (yellow-white)
Yellow-flowered Upright Honeysuckle (yellow)
Yellow-rocket (yellow)
Yellow-star (yellow)
Yellow-weed (yellow)
Yellowseed False-pimpernel (white-blue-purple)
Zigzag Goldenrod (yellow)