Putnam Park Wildflowers

Flower ID: IMG_3829.JPG-08-23-2024
Flower name (scientific): Cynoglossum amabile Stapf & James Ramsay Drummond PY: 1906. Pronunciation guide: (phonetic spelling) sy-noh-GLOS-um (or sign-oh-GLOSS-um) am-AH-bih-lee (or a-MAH-bih-lee)
Flower name (common): Chinese Forget-me-not
Family name (common): Borage
Family name (scientific): Boraginaceae
Scientific name origin:
     Genus: From Greek kynos for dog and glossa for tongue, hence hound's tongue. Refers to the appearance of the leaves supposedly resembling a hound's tongue.
    Specific epithet: Latin for likeable or lovely, refers to the flowers.
Common name origin: Chinese from the region where the plant is native. Forget-me-not comes from the resemblance of the flowers to those of the true forget-me-not Myosotis scorpioides.
Flower description:
     Size: 0.3 to 0.5 inches (8 to 13 mm)
     Petal count: 5
     Color: blue
     Other: flower arrangement, Panicle
Plant description:
     Size: 12 to 24 inches (30 to 61 cm)
     Stem hairy:
Leaf description: attachment is alternate, type is simple
     Other: Shape: leaf, basal oblong-lanceolate to lanceolate, stem oblong to lanceolate
Origin (native, introduced, invasive): Introduced
Status (common, uncommon, threatened, rare): Uncommon
Bloom time (typical): July to September
Cycle (annual, biennial, perennial): Biennial/Perennial, also in some sources listed as Annual/Biennial.
Importance to wildlife:
Similar species (if any):
Latitude: 44.799755
Longitude: -91.505723
Altitude: 254.30
Distribution: In Wisconsin: (Dane, Eau Claire, La Crosse, Milwaukee, Oneida, Vilas, Winnebago) Click here for distribution map
In US: (AR, HI, MA, NH, NY, OK, WI) Click here for distribution map
In Canada:
Homotypic Synonym(s):
Heterotypic Synonym(s):
Wetland Status (NC): Not listed
Wetland Status (MW): Not listed