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    The Intersection action is designed for use with the Idle or Condition action, which must reside in the head section as a browser-triggered event.The Intersection condition monitors the browser window for the physical intersection of two floating boxes. It is true when the floating boxes overlap in the browser window and false while they don't. You can use the result of this action to trigger two further actions.

    This action supplements the Drag Floating Box action (see Drag Floating Box). An intersection occurs when the paths of two floating boxes cross. The Intersection action may be connected, for example, with a Set BackColor action.

    To set up an Intersection action, trigger the action with a browser-triggered action set to OnLoad. Choose Action > Specials > Idle or Condition. In the Condition or Idle tab of the Action Inspector, choose Action > Specials > Intersection. If you chose Idle and want the action to terminate the first time the Timeout Intersection condition is true, select the Exit Idle If Condition Returns True option. By activating this option, you instruct the script to monitor the browser window for a single event.

    Select the floating boxes you want to monitor for the intersection from the two Floating Box pop-up menus. In the True tab, choose the action you want to have triggered when an intersection occurs. In the False tab, choose the action to be executed while the floating boxes don't overlap.