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World Clock

    The World Clock action displays a live clock showing the time of a specified world time zone. The clock displays in the browser's status bar, in an existing form field on the page, or both.

    Important: To create an accurate clock, the local time zone on your computer must be set to the correct time.

    Trigger the action with a browser-triggered event set to OnLoad or a user-triggered event. Choose Action > Others > World Clock. To display a message to the left of the clock, enter the message in the Clock Message text box (apostrophes must be preceded by a backslash to prevent JavaScript errors). Select the Use 24-hour Time option to display 24-hour time, or leave it unselected to display 12-hour A.M. and P.M. time.

    In the GMT Offset text box, enter the number of hours between your desired location and Greenwich mean time (GMT) as a value between -12 and +12. You can click the globe icon Globe icon next to the GMT offset text field to look up a city's GMT offset. The button launches the default browser, which opens a time zone chart at Click on a city to look up its GMT offset. (GMT is zero; time zones west of GMT have a negative offset value, and time zones east of GMT have a positive offset value. For example, U.S. eastern standard time (EST) is five time zones to the west of GMT and has a GMT offset of -5; central Europe time (CET) is one time zone to the east of GMT and has a GMT offset of +1.)

    Select the Daylight Savings Time option if daylight savings time (DST) occurs in the selected time zone. Select the Status Bar option to display the clock in the browser's status bar, and select the Form Field option to display the clock in an existing form on the page. If you selected Form Field, enter the form name and field name for the text field in which the clock will display.