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Document Write

    The Document Write action is applied with a browser-triggered body action. When the browser gets to the action's code in the page, the Document Write action replaces the body action with text or code you specify, the current value retrieved by an action, or the value of a variable.

    Trigger the action with a browser-triggered event at a convenient location in the body section of the page. Choose Action > Message > Document Write. Enter the text or code that you want to be written. To retrieve and write text from a variable, click the small red "C" icon Red C icon adjacent to the HTML text box to change it to a blue circle icon Blue circle icon , and choose a variable from the pop-up menu. To retrieve text from a browser-triggered action set to OnCall in the head section, click the icon again to change it to a question mark icon Position property until it changes to a green question mark icon , and select an action from the pop-up menu.