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Redirect Prompt

    The Redirect Prompt action prompts the viewer for one of up to five answers and redirects them to a specific page according to their answer.

    Trigger the action with a browser-triggered event set to OnLoad, a user-triggered event, or a timeline-triggered event. Choose Action > Link > Redirect Prompt. In the Question text box, enter a question that prompts the viewer for one of up to five answers. Optionally, in the Display Possible Answers text box, enter a message that contains the possible answers. (This message will appear as the default text in the window prompt's text box that the viewer uses to enter their answer.) In the Alert If Invalid Answer text box, enter a message that will prompt the viewer when they enter an invalid answer.

    Important: Precede any apostrophes with a backslash in order to prevent JavaScript errors in the browser. For example, if you want the browser prompt to be "What's the password?", type "What\'s the password?" in the Question text box.

    If you want to redirect the viewer to the same page each time they visit the current page, select the Remember Choice And Auto-redirect Next Time option. (If a viewer's browser is set to disable cookies, this option will not function.) Enter a name for the cookie.

    Enter up to five answers in the Answer text boxes. For each answer, reference a different document in your site or enter an external URL.

    Important: The answers are case-sensitive; therefore, make sure that the answer prompt accurately displays each of the answers as they appear in the Answer text boxes. Precede any apostrophes with a backslash.